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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. On 8/1/2010 at 5:50 PM, usul45 said:

    Looks great Murray. Do you have any elastic holding the chest and back together? Did you notice any issues with those two pieces?


    Thanks! I don't have any elastic holding the chest and back together, I just have the normal strapping running over my shoulders, but nothing at the bottom of the chest. It's all in my shims holding the front and back tight.




    You can see the velcro on the backside of my ab plate where the sidegap shims pull everything together. Like I said, it's a weird setup and I don't think I've ever seen anyone do it quite this way.


    It works good for me, my only real problem is sometimes my ab plate will want to come out from underneath the chest plate sometimes.

  2. This is me (I'm the TK obviously :) )a few months ago at Free Comic Book Day. I'm about 6'-1" and probably in the 220 range at the time.


    My construction is a bit weird and different from others I have seen. I don't have any straps connecting the kidney and ab plate, instead my shims which close the gap between the front and back are helping to keep everything tight and in line. I hope that makes sense.




    I have seen some larger troopers who are able to make the armor work. It really is just finding a way that works for you and fits you.

  3. Yup, that is identical to the MRCE of a few years back. Research any of those threads (No'l's being the best) and you can see any number of ways to mod it up.


    If you can find one of these for $100 or under, it's a decent project, especially if you are looking for something more accurate to replace the FX lids. However, at it's current price you can get better helmets that require less work.


    I have one of the MRCE and once you finish the mods it is a pretty solid and durable helmet.

  4. I got a set of Karin's amazing latex/non-latex handguards, and I'm trying to figure out how to put these to use. After some initial research on here and discussions with others, I was recommended to use caulk.


    So I caulked (hehe.. sorry it's funny to say that aloud) up the gloves and handguards and now nearly 3 days later I have created a mildly sticky mess all over my gloves and the backs of my handplates.


    Personally, I'd rather not have these attached directly to my gloves. The stress is just too much when I take my gloves on and off, it's much easier for me to do the old-fashioned strap over the palms. It seems that best way to do this would be to attach the handplate to a small piece of plastic and attach my elastic straps to the plastic.


    My question is what is the best glue/epoxy/caulk/whatever for attaching these to a piece of plastic?

  5. For me it comes down to being such a huge fan that I wanted to make at least part of the saga come to life. Even to this day after being in the Legion for 2 years, and practically living on sites like this, I still geek out when I see the costumes. I love seeing the kids faces light up when they see us, and see the adults turn back into kids :)


    Add to that, being part of a group that does so much good for the community, and it's a complete win-win.

  6. I am looking to put a kit together but I am still missing a piece of info.


    My question is in regard to Helmet size. I have searched the forums and found a lot of info about which helmets are bigger than others, but could not find anything that assured me that a certain helmet had a chance to fit on my head. When I wear a fitted hat, it is generally around 7 5/8 - 7 7/8, and I have never seen a moto helmet that was loose on my head.


    So I am trying to figure out what helmet I am looking for without looking like a bobble head doll.


    As of right now, price is a little more important to me than accuracy, but I don't want to look silly either, and I am not afraid of paint, or tools.


    I think you are about the same size as me. I'm able to wear most helmets, although I wear glasses I have to take them off to fit into the helmet. It's a snug fit, but not uncomfortable. Also, like others have said you can adjust the fit with the construction and placement of padding.

  7. Starting to make small changes in an effort to get a bit healthier. I've really tried to cut down on my soda drinking. I've gone from 3 or 4 a day down to 1. My lunches at work where I used to drink a 32 oz. soda, I have now changed that to Iced Tea, and I'm drinking a lot more water.


    My caffeine addiction (and boring job :) ) wont allow me to cut the sodas out completely, but I'm already feeling better with just cutting it down.


    Next step is to start working in an exercise regimen.

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