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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. So, I've started gluing my pieces. I've noticed a problem with the longer sections. I'm getting gaps forming where the clamps I have don't reach. It's usually about the halfway point.


    I was just curious about what people have done to help with this. Do any type of clamps work better, rubber bands? What has worked for you? What should I avoid?

  2. Some stormtroopers in the Legion do which they are allowed to at non-canon events, however it's not part of the costume definition and they shouldn't be wearing them in their Legion photos. That's a bad habit that was allowed for a time, but is strictly speaking shouldn't have been done.


    I watched the movies quite a bit and I never saw a single clean TK with a pauldron in any of the OT. :)


    To someone just starting out, it could be a little confusing because in ANH there are a few TDs who are "cleaner" than your average TD, don't wear a backpack, but do have a pauldron.


    That was actually going to be my backup plan should I screw up horribly while assembling my armor.


    Just my 2 cents

  3. How did you try reshape them? did you heat them up?, also will you be altering the holes in the frown anymore?


    I tried to reshape them by putting them into some boiling water. Didn't work all that well. I will be riveting them to the bottom of the helmets and that should help the problem. I can hold them in place and they look good.


    I cut a hole in the front for improved airflow, I also cut slits into the mouthpiece as well. I haven't yet decided on a sound system, but if need be I can put a speaker into that hole.


    I do need to put a 4th hole to match the Stunt Helmet and I need to clean up the holes I've already cut.

  4. Well, I've started assembling the helmet and after using almost an entire roll of blue painters tape I think I've got a good fit for the front, back and dome. I should only need a small bit of sanding to get those three together.


    I had a question about the earcaps, I'm going to have to reshape them and Dave from the YouTube tutorial suggested using a hot water method to rebend the plastic. That should work good, but I'm still worried about gaps. Any recommendations about how to fill those. Bondo seems like a common suggestion, but what about getting the white paint to match? Could a type of caulk be used? It's already white.

  5. Everyone else has said it so well, I don't know what else to add. I was known as the "Star Wars guy" at my last job. They would always joke about it around me "Use the Force" and things like that. But they all wanted pictures when I bought my armor, and when I bought one of my FX sabers and had it shipped to the store, everyone wanted to play with it.


    Don't let the naysayers bring you down. Deep down they are just jealous of the fun we have, the good that is done by the Legion, and all the cool toys we get to play with :lol:

  6. Sorry for the stupid question, but I feel I have to ask it. What involvement does the 501st have with Disney weekends? Any? Are you there as normal park guests, just in armor. I just figured that most of the people there in costume would be Disney employees or something related.

  7. I was born in '79 so I never saw ANH in theaters. However, the first time I remember seeing ANH (or any Star Wars for that matter) was when I was home sick from school around age 6 or 7. Much of that first viewing is lost to the years, the most I remember is just being on the edge of my seat during the Trench Run and not sure if Vader was going to shoot down Luke or not.


    Funny story with my family before I was born. They went to go see ANH in theaters in '77 with my then almost 2 year old brother. My brother starts to cry halfway thru the movie, so my Mom takes him out to the lobby. My Dad stays and watches the rest of the movie. :lol:

  8. Everything in armor is an investment, and you just have to decide where you invest. I still have a modded hasbro, and although it is not up to Elite standards without some serious updating, the 501st does not even have a stance stating you have to have a blaster.


    BTW, the conversion kits for the hasbro are very easy, and if you can do an FX kit, you can do the conversion kit. I would suggest looking at the cost, as by the time you buy the hasbro, buy the kit, you are close to what it would cost to get a much more accurate blaster.


    I think I might just get a Hasbro, paint it black and then save up for a decent resin or hyperfirm. Got to solve a few financial problems first.

  9. I recently purchased my first armor kit as well, it's an FX I believe and it came with blue stripes. I've gathered from this forum that the black tube stripes are a problem and is being worked on to get corrected on all TKs.


    I did have a question about 501st acceptance when it came to the blaster. I've looked at the PVC kits and the Hasbro conversion kits and I think they are a bit beyond my skills, and I'm not sure I could do a very good job with them. Back to the point, what are the 501st requirements for the blaster, is it okey to just paint a Hasbro blaster? What about the Clone blaster currently available?


    I do plan on trying for Elite, but I'm more concerned about the armor right now. I would love a hyperfirm or a resin, but those look like an investment.

  10. I've got a pretty wide taste in music. Like most people on here, I really love some good metal, but there is so much more...


    In no paticular order:


    -Bad Religion


    -The Killers

    -Linkin Park



    -William Shatner (yes, blasphemy I know, but "Has Been" is just such a good record, go check it out!)

    -Queens of the Stone Age

    -Nine Inch Nails


    -Black Sabbath





    -Rage Against The Machine


    -Rob Zombie/White Zombie


    -Led Zeppelin


    the list just goes on and on and on...

  11. Welcome. I'm new to all this, I just ordered my first kit of armor a few weeks ago and I'm working on how to put it all together. So far, everyone here has been extremely nice and helpful and there is a TON of helpful info in the forums. Also, lots of different view points on how to construct everything so you can weigh different options and figure out which one will work best for you.


    I can't wait to start trooping, and I'm already thinking about what to do after I finish my stormtrooper. Haha, it's an addiction.

  12. I think I have the portions to cut figured out, and the whole assembly figured out thanks to everyones advice.


    For the detail portions on the helmet, I think it will be easier for me to paint instead of using the decals. I found the paint number for the grey (1138, how perfect). Anyone know a good number for the blue? The black and white seem pretty straightforward.

  13. Let me add one thing. Paint the inside black before assembly. It makes the overall look better. And, If you're thinking of making the vents in the top back of the helmet functional for better ventilation and less overheating your head, cut them before assembly too. See related topics for cutting the vents.


    Don G.



    Just to make sure I understand, you are refering to the back of the helmet where the two decals would go? Are you saying to actually cut them and make them true vents rather than just decals? Kind of like what is done with the frown on the front?


    Never thought about painting the inside black, that's a good idea. Seems like it would hide the real me inside a little better.

  14. I just got my FX kit the other day and I can tell by reading the instructions and looking around on here, that the instructions that came with it are worthless.


    However, I wanted to ask are they completely worthless when it comes to the helmet? They seem fairly reasonable for the bucket, almost no velcro! :)


    I know there are a wealth of tutorials out there, and I'm just trying to get as much info as possible so that I can keep screw-ups to a minimum.

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