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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. Has anyone else had delays in shipping from CABoots? I ordered a pair of boots on the second of this month and I have yet to hear anything from them about it. The order is listed as pending. I know it's only been 4 days. I'm just really impatient because they are the last big thing I need before I can submit my application for the Legion.


    I was just curious about others experiences and if this seems normal.



    Edit: Disregard this. Received mine today from CABoots. The communication left a little to be desired, but the time frame was good.

  2. Yeah, I always thought the shots were from the stormtroopers as they got beaten up


    How they carried their clothes with them though, I never could figure out


    I'll buy into them wearing there clothes underneath or Chewie stored them in his bag. But where did they hide the boots? They are wearing there normal boots after the trash compactor.

  3. The fit really depends on the assembly. Unless you are Hulk sized, I don't think you'll have a problem with the shoulder bells. However, it's all plastic so if you absolutely had to you could get a heat gun and reshape things. Shimming and trimming will help.


    What has helped me a lot is getting a friend or significant other to help you do a test fit and just tape things in place to get an idea of what you will need to adjust.

  4. Easy fix just add Velco between your belt and armor to support the weight of your blaster. As long as your not trooping with a MR or an all metal blaster you should be fine.


    That's what I do on mine. I've got 3 strips of velcro running underneath my belt on the front, and 1 in the back. I've tested with a plastic blaster in the holster and everything seems to hold.


    I believe they used snaps in the films to keep the belts from moving.

  5. 1) How long have you been a fan of Star Wars? - As long as I can remember. I was born in 1979 so I guess I do fall into that generation that grew up with SW. It's always found it's way into my life.


    2) What first made you a fan of the franchise? - I was a kid, there were laser swords and troopers and Xwings, what's not to love? As I've grown up I've found more and more to enjoy in the franchise, going into the deeper levels of mythology and such.


    3) What got you into costuming? - Seeing the pictures online and being insanely jealous! The smiles on peoples faces and the good work done by the 501st doesn't hurt either. Plus, the majority of the SW costumes are just so much fun to wear. You feel different wearing them.


    4) What function does the Internet play in being a fan? - It's hard to imagine SW fandom without the internet right now. So much is interaction with people from all corners of the globe. Groups like the 501st couldn't exist without the help of the internet.

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