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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. The more skills you have, the quicker and easier it will be. If you do any kind of model making or have any kind of decent craftsman skills, it will probably be easier for you.


    Personally, I have almost none of the above mentioned skills and I'm just finishing my kit. It's taken me just a little over 3 months. Don't get discouraged if it's slow going at first, this is a BIG trial and error process. We've all been through it, but you will run into problems that no one else has. Take your time, read, get some help from friends, contact your local garrison and introduce yourself, and most importantly have fun with it.

  2. I've been racking my brain trying to think of a way to do this. I would LOVE to have a grappling hook instead of a TD on m belt.


    The only things I've come up with that would work are wood (seems WAY too heavy and bulky) or making one out of ABS, but I would need a vac-table.


    I've looked for existing items with no luck. A thought has crossed my mind to try and "kit bash" it, but I don't think I'd be able to find the right parts.

  3. I didn't want to clutter the forums here with ANOTHER MR thread. So I decided to hijack this one.


    I just received my MRCE. Pretty cool helmet, I like it. My problem is that I seem to have a big head. Literally, I almost can't put this thing on. I was curious about the sizing of this helmet, how does it compare internally to the fan made ones?

  4. yeah, i think the rubber washers just threw me off or something!!!!!! i think i'll just toss them out then, thanks!!!! another question, how much trimming for the sides of the helmet has to be done to fit both the front and back pieces together????


    I really had to do a trial and error. Trim a little, test fit it, trim some more, test fit again. Use tape or something to do a test fit before cutting anything to get an idea of how much you will have to trim off.


    The FX instructions are pretty much useless. You can learn so much more from this website and Dave's Garage on YouTube

  5. I paid $3.98 for mid-grade tonight.


    You might want to be careful when looking at the older cars MPG ratings. I read somewhere that the institute responsible for that changed how they figure it exactly.


    Sorry for the lack of details, I'm too tired right now to do research.

  6. Wow, this is a really dangerous thread to respond to. Especially someone like me who knows only enough to be dangerous and offend people.


    Now, I feel that if you are recasting another fan made armor sculpt, without permission, that is bad joojoo (as Daetrin put it :) ). My question is what is the opinion on recasting LFL suits and other screen used props from LFL archives, in order to have accurate versions of these suits and props available for us in the costuming and replica prop fanbase? Assuming the props were acquired in a proper and legit manner.

  7. Better than how mine looked when I started! Some recommendations though:


    1) Add a strap from your chest to your back plate.

    2) Add or tighten the crotch strap - your slipping in back.

    3) You'll need different gloves eventually, as you shouldn't have that strap. Nomex flight gloves are $24, or rubber ones will do.


    And adjust the shoulder bells as mentioned.


    Personal nit pick: I have to say I hate the current FX thighs and would recommend you move to RT at some point if possible. This is aesthetic really - I hate that much black showing in back.


    I'd also like to point out that tweaking is very normal. IIRC it took me three or four sessions/troops to get mine dialed in. Heck, my TK is still getting adjusted bit by bit :-p


    Thanks for the tips.


    I know that once it is done, it is not done. Is anyone of us ever really finished with there armor? :)

  8. BTW I'm getting married tomorrow, and guess what....my girlfriend is walking up the aisle to Star Wars main title, and the church door WILL be opened and "guarded" by two stormtroopers from the Nordic Garrison!


    We'll also be walking out to the sound of Throne Room from ANH;-) They got their medals we got our rings!


    Welcome Cranky and congratulations. Sounds like a great ceremony.

  9. Excellent looking armor! I can't wait until I can fit into mine...lol.


    You should check out Ebay and see if you can get CE Stunt lid

    for your troopin' needs, it's a great bucket for $100 and a little

    more screen accurate than the FX lid.


    Nonetheless, you look great man! :D Congrats!


    Thanks guys.


    I've got a MRCE on order, should be here tomorrow.

  10. Yup, it's a full FX kit, bucket and all. I've already raised the biceps about an inch to see if that will help and I've also corrected my drop boxes to be more centered.


    I've been working on it on and off again for about 3 months. This is really the first time I've ever tackled something of this size, more than once this website helped me feel like I was not in WAY over my head.

  11. I ordered my second CE Stunt from Redford Films, and it showed up all beat to hell!


    He doesn't double-box it, so good luck...


    Mine had severe rub marks on the dome from the package being tossed,

    and the actual packaging was nearly destroyed.


    (and I'm in California, just miles from the shipper!)


    Good luck...


    Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll see what shape mine arrives in, if it's bad I think I might post a warning.


    What shipping method did you use? I think my order was defaulted to USPS but I switched to the cheaper UPS.

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