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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. You can never have enough wranglers/handlers/spotters/photographers at an event.


    If you're looking for things to do until you get your armor. Just take a look around on here. Work on a belt, pick up a MRCE bucket and start modding it, find an E-11 to work on, get your boots (nothing like rockin' the white disco boots when you are not wearing your armor)...

  2. I feel your pain. I've been working on my TD Tube now for like 3 weeks now. I think I've put more thought and effort into this little tube than I did on almost any other part of the armor.


    My problem is a gap between the two halves that is less than 1/8". This teeny tiny little gap has driven me crazy. I think I finally have gotten mine to look decent, not good, but decent.


    What problems are you having with yours? I think an alternative is to find a standard PVC pipe that will fit into the endcaps and simply use that.

  3. You got laid off on Friday the 13th? Man, sorry to hear that. Seems job security is a thing of the past. Where my wife works now is great, she loves here job, they think she's the best thing since sliced bread, but we still don't know how long she'll have that job. She knows her stuff better than a lot of the people who have been there much longer, but that doesn't seem to be a factor these days. It's all about numbers. Amt coming in must exceed amt going out where $ is concerned. If employee X happens to fall within the cut-off zone after the monthly accounting is done then that is the tough luck of employee X.


    Keep a stiff upper lip. Life is a roller coaster. Sure, there are downs, but there are also ups!


    Sounds really familiar. My wife was in the same situation last year. She unfortunately became expendable in the company's eyes.

  4. What's all that unaltered DVD thing about? What did I miss?


    If you see any of the OT movies in single packages (not a box set that is) they contain as a "bonus feature" the theatrical version of the movies. It's not as good a transfer as the regular DVD, although you don't have to deal with Crazy Uncle George's digital changes and re-edits. And people may complain about it being non-anamorphic, 2.1 sound, etc. but it is still better color timed than the "Special Editions".


    Has anyone watched the horribleness that is now the Battle of Endor space battle. The colors are awful and all over the place. Echo Base on Hoth is Blue! I swear there is a scene in ANH that has gone black and white.


    Back on topic, I still have some of my original VHS tapes, however I didn't get widescreen until the SE tapes.

  5. I think I like them. I mean it's one thing for us to say "only regular stormtroopers" but we have to remember that the reason we're so attached to them is mostly that it's what we grew up with. Kids today are going to grow up with the new stuff they're seeing, and if the FU (which I love, btw!) become canonized, then they'll have a significant impact on the next generation of fans.


    I agree that, intended or not, it seems to represent the death throes of individualism in the trooper ranks. It works well as a transition.


    Don't get me wrong, it looks strange to me, but I think there's potential there.


    And, not to open a hornet's nest, but it would be ten times easier to paint a color scheme on my TK suit than to figure out a TC suit. I love the look of a battle-damaged color scheme.





    I like what he said. There are all kinds of options for what a supposed trooper armor would look like as the clones switch over to TKs. I'm sure some of those original clones might still put some custom paint on there armor. Has anyone ever tried some of the TC paint jobs on TK armor?

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