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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. Umm...so on the helmet teeth, how far do you cut them, till it starts its little hill, or before that...?


    If you are using the kit I think you are (most TX kits are FX based) then when you cut out the teeth there is already a raised and lowered portion. Just cut out the lowered portion.


    It really is up to you as to how much you want to cut out, some people leave them somewhat rounded. Whatever you think looks good to you.

  2. I saw it last night. The action and the clones are awesome. We get real down and dirty in the fighting, Geonosis has nothing on these battles. Rex is a true bad-an impolite person, as is Cody.


    There is no Jar Jar, but something close.


    I really liked it, it's not an A+ but it really opens up A LOT of very interesting possibilities for the TV Series. Things can only get better, and I think the TV show will be A+ material.

  3. I don't mean to revive a semi-dead topic, but where do you guys get your frown mesh and how do you install it?

    I used some rubber window screen and super glued it in, but it looks horrible (It dried whiteish).


    I bought window screen but I thought it was a bit harsh and I was afraid of scratching up my face, so I switched it out to a fabric mesh.

  4. Thanks for the help guys. After doing some searching, I think buying is going to be a pain right now. So I'll probably end up buying some off of one of you fine lens makers.


    I'm trying to figure out how to actually make a lot of these things myself, so that I don't always have to rely on the sellers if a shortage should ever occur.

  5. I had a similar experience at the con they were talking up their suit and its "cheap" price.I walked up in mt TK some people looked at it and looked at me and then came over to talk to me about my armor. "Hey your armor looks great" "better that that one!" .The dude at the booth gave me a dirty look I could see through bubble lenses. I was just comming over to check out the suit myself. ahhh well


    I've heard of quite a few similar stories. Rubies reps were quoting suits that we all wear at upwards of $5k!

  6. Work, work, work, work, work, work some more.


    At some point, I may try to figure out how to best close my side-gap and fix my ab-plate so it pulls in more.


    Also, I have to figure out how I can get myself a copy of COD4, because all I have to waste time online with is Halo 3.

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