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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. I was playing the game last night and tried to pay special attention to the commanders paint scheme. For once, I must say it looks like Hasbro nailed it exactly.


    It really does look like standard ANH/ESB construction but with the "skittlized" paint scheme.


    Probably, a good thing that I can't afford another kit, because I would probably be working on one of these.

  2. I take it you are not using the speaker in the unit, instead you have spliced in a connection to another speaker? If so, I would first try to undo that connection and use the speaker that came with it. The device is pretty easy to disassemble, just be careful of pulling to hard and popping the soldered connections on the board.

  3. Found a few random product codes and such, but the one that really caught my eye is H.R. 5990. A bill before congress about video game ratings. Me being a fairly avid gamer and heavily against these regulations, I thought it was interesting.

  4. Ugh, work work work work. Don't these people know I have a helmet I need to work on?!


    With some help from a friend we've sanded down the 3 main pieces. I think it looks pretty good. Little to no gloss is visible. I still have to fill that frakin' mold line and the putty is not being my friend.


    But, enough whining on my part, we all came for pictures!!


    After pulling the tape off, no black overspray!



    First sand on the main pieces with 400 grit sandpaper, a mixture of wet and dry.


  5. We will see, what will be official reaction of Legion. If this "costume" will be approved and what modifications will be needed.


    Between the price of the Rubies set and the amount of mods that are going to be needed, it almost seems to be a moot point to bother with looking into Legion acceptance.


    I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens when someone actually gets a suit and we all see the true level of horribleness.

  6. So I finally got the nerve to start on my MRCE. I got it apart, thanks to everyone here and No'l's tutorial. One thing I noticed is that the face seemed a bit thin, it was a little too easy to see through when held up to the light.


    So this is how far I've gotten in about a day and a half.




    I'm letting the black sit for at least 24 hours before peeling off the paper and tape. Next up is the frown mold lines.


    A few newbish questions about sanding and painting the exterior. Does wet sanding give you better results? With Krylon, is a primer required or will it bond to the plastic without one?

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