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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. My Playstation 3. I got won the bid 2 days after they were released! I got the PS3 for $560.00 USD. At that time, PS3's were sold out and were going for $1000's of dollars! The reason why I got mine so cheap was because I searched "Playstatoin 3" instead of searching "Playstation 3". It was a typo on my part AND the ebay sellers ad! What a deal!


    fatfingers.com will search ebay for common type-o's.


    I haven't bought much off ebay. Best deal I can say is my Holiday Special DVD. $15 if memory serves. Came with DVD of the Special (commercials included!), Deleted Magic of ANH (which is incredible and worth finding), Troops on DVD (already had it, but it's still cool), and several episodes of Droids (..and you thought the Holiday Special was bad)

  2. Check the picture in this thread.



    You can see the edges of the belt fraying. To my untrained eyes, as well as my wife who has worked in a fabric store and has sewing experience, it looks like a canvas/duck cloth type material.


    Personally, I think a leather belt could look really good. If it makes you happy to have it, by all means go with the leather.


    Just my two cents.

  3. Hey Paul, what part of Virginia do you live in?


    Roanoke. I'm a lonely trooper out here by myself :lol:


    Are you coming out for Shevacon? It's in Roanoke. I've been trying to get as many people as possible out for it.

  4. I have used the bathroom in armor. You're better off avoiding it, if possible. I have my cod piece cut, and it's velcro'ed on.


    To successfully use the bathroom, I had to take off my bucket (of course), 1 glove and hand plate, cod piece, and then deal with under armor (which to avoid graphic details does not have a fly). To make matters worse, I had to put my bucket on the bathroom floor. :(



    Number 2, on the other hand, is out of the question. Trooping is not for the Irritable Bowel Syndrome affected. You're probably looking at at least a half hour to unsuit, do your business, and get back into action. Not to mention, where do you keep a magazine or newspaper in your suit?


    Isn't that what the thermal det tube is for?

  5. Make it something personal and from the heart. It's always better if it shows you've been paying attention and that you put some real thought into it.


    Been married almost 5 years, and together for over 10.

  6. Nice! I've got a massive Rubbermaid thing that I could transport small livestock in.

    Your's looks much more fashionable, and is probably WAY easier to lug around, I imagine.

    Way to be smarter than me! :D


    I've got a huge rubbermaid tub as well. I could probably crawl into it in armor and have room to spare :lol:


    I wonder if we can find something like this on my side of the pond. I'm going to need a good setup for packing, possibly flying with later this year.

  7. I think this helmet gave me a bad introduction to styrene. Its seriously thin. I guess i should check out a TE2 and see how much thicker that is. I forgot to ask, what is the glue and shirt trick? I have heard of it before and i heard it works great and just dont know how to do it exactly.


    Check out this thread for some great tips on how to rebuild a "recastastic" bucket, including the T-shirt trick. http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?show...;hl=OMG+Rebuild

  8. I'm not big on Country music nowadays. I only really like older country. Johnny Cash is, and will always be, The Man. Willie Nelson is pretty good. Mike Ness from Social Distortion put out a pair of solo albums that have a great rock-country-punk vibe to them.

  9. Another recent sci-fi I really enjoyed was Sunshine.

    Also, did anyone mention Transformers? Can't wait till the next one this summer! I grew up on SW, Transformers and GI Joe (another soon to be movie!!)... It must be all us 30-somethings making movies from our childhood afternoon cartoon favs huh?


    I loved Transformers. Giant robots smashing stuff, what's not to love?! Plus, you've gotta love a movie that blows out the theaters subwoofer. :D Can't wait for #2. Of course, I also loved the 80's cartoon. Not sure about GI Joe though, could be really good, could be really bad.... Regardless I'll be there.

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