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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. Tk bondservnt said:
    can anyone say Bubbled? green?


    The search feature is your friend. :)


    Smitty said:
    From what I understand you can take some flat lens drop one into boiling water till it becomes flexible place it over the eye hole on the inside of a the helmet and then use a spoon to push out a bubble shape before the lens hardens back up when it cools.


    There is a proper tutorial on here, but in my quickie search I wasn't able to find it.

  2. Glad to see you made your way over here Gina. For wiping excess gunk and paint off my armor I've had good luck with basic nail polish remover, again making sure to get the NON-Acetone version.


    We finally got some more armor on this side of the state, maybe we can get a Western VA armor party at some point.

  3. OK, so is there now consensus that the paint scheme that Steven displayed as correct based *of the screen caps* supplemented by information on action figure?


    I would say that perhaps we can break it down by 501st standards vs. EIB, e.g. that for 501st standards either scheme is acceptable, but for EIB only that from the render.


    Would this work for everyone?


    Sounds good, however I think the 501st standards should include the 2 stripes on the thigh piece. The Hasbro figure does have these.

  4. He should be made an honorary member of the 501st.


    Tori and Kari from the show are HM and FotL. Tori, Adam and Grant from the show used to work for ILM, Grant was an R2 operator and Adam can be seen in the AOTC making of on the DVD building the model of Tipoca City.

  5. If you really knew what you were doing, I think an assembly could be done in a weekend. However, I wouldn't recommend this, esp. not with your first suit.


    E6000 is great great stuff, by far the easiest to use and most reliable glue I've used. I've gone thru 3 different kinds of glues in my suit, and it's been the best by far. But, yes allow 24 hours for dry time.


    Take your time, get it to the best possible fit you can. Also, realize that everytime you wear the suit, you are going to want to modify or change something. I'm still a bit of a newbie in this whole arena (been 501st for a year now with 5 troops). In just that year since my approval, I've massively redone my thighs, modified ab plate, redone my belt, and now I'm redoing the whole strapping setup for my arms.


    It's just like working on a car or a house, you are never truly finished. Take your time, have fun, take lots of pictures!

  6. For ready to wear helmets commercially available, there may still be some of the MRLE/eFx buckets floating around still online. Expect to pay $400 plus for it.


    The MRCE is a good bucket to practice on, that's what I've been doing on mine. It's the whole "learn by doing" thing.


    If you do some research, talk to the armor makers, some may have options for selling completed helmets.

  7. It is difficult to have someone who could add so much to the community bring this upon himself, but just like in the attached screen shot above, he did bring it upon himself.


    I don't envy the hard choices you've had to make in the past, Paul, but these kind of things must be done to insure the community as a whole is improved.

  8. I finally got around to modding my thermal det tube so I can store my glasses and a few extra things in it. Since I can't wear my glasses in anything but my FX helmet.


    I have one end of the tube sealed, but I can't seem to come up with a good option for keeping the other end shut. I've left it like this all along because I knew one day I would final remember to do the mod. It stays shut on it's own, pretty good. However, one good bump (or a child's hands) could easily pull it open.


    Any good recommendations for closing it up, but also making it easy enough to open back up when suited up?

  9. Happy Birthday FISD! Thank you to all those who have helped to build and maintain this site, and to make it into the community we all love and enjoy today.


    Where would we be without FISD? We'd all have FX buckets and be "wasting" all our time with loved ones and families :D

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