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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. Take the plunge and chop it up! :)


    I was really hesitant to do anything to my MRCE (part of the reason that I'm still sitting on it, over a year later). Biggest thing to be careful is drilling thru the earcaps. I overdid it and drilled all the way through on mine, and I've been jury-rigging fixes where I went to fast and over did it on things.


    The brow is pretty simple, measure twice, cut once. Although I was not able to get the rubber trim to come off without tearing it.


    Think of it this way, you'll never get the skills if you don't practice and try it.

  2. He's right, on the helmet, not much glue is needed, if any at all. The only exception being some of the "guts" (lenses, frown mesh, etc.) and hot glue works good for that.


    However, when it comes to the suit I've had nothing but good experiences with E6000.

  3. I've almost gotten my MRCE up to par (I'm not 100% happy with how it turned out, but it seems to be loads better than my FX). I'm working on a blaster, as well.


    Donations are still being accepted for the "Get Murray a Hyperfirm" Fund :lol:


    I'm still trying to decide if I should go for the EIB for ANH-Stunt or TK-Commander.

  4. I totally forgot, I did get a freebie at a troop. My first troop (solo troop no less) was for the midnight release of The Force Unleashed game. Game Stop was giving away a free figure if you preordered the game, the manager was kind enough to give me one, even though I didn't preorder or buy the game from them.

  5. Some day you'll just have a 3-D scan of yourself and the computer will use it to map out the appropriate files for armor. You're in-home 3-D printer will create a set out of whatever material you want.


    One thing is for certain this hobby will never stand still. Not just in the stormtrooper world, but in other 501st costumes as well. On the IOC forums they are bemoaning the coming of the Museum Replicas soft costumes. Prices keep coming down, quality up.


    Don't forget Museum Replicas is working on armored costumes as well. Supposedly they have found ANH suits buried in the LFL archives.

  6. When did you see Star Wars in the theater for the first time and where?

    Too young for the original theatrical release. Saw it in theaters for the first time during the 1997 rerelease. However, I did catch the movie on tape when I was about 5 or so, been hooked ever since.


    What is your favorite Star Wars movie?

    Not sure, I pretty much love them all, at the moment it's a toss up between ANH and ROTS


    What is your least favorite Star Wars movie?

    Again, I love them all, least favorite at the moment would be between ROTJ and TPM


    What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

    My wife, my family, my friends


    What turns you off?

    Liars, can't stand people who lie


    What is your favorite curse word?

    F*** it's just so useful


    What Star Wars Character do you love?

    Of course, I love the troopers, but main characters would be Obi-Wan or Anakin


    What Star Wars Character do you hate?

    The Podracers, they were just weird


    How did you first find out about your home garrison?

    Some online searches, but met the troopers in person at a con in 2007


    What Costume other than your own would you like to attempt?

    One of these days I'll start working on that Clone Wars Obi-Wan I've been talking about for months, and get an EIB trooper suit made up.


    What Costume would you not like to do?

    C-3PO, that just looks painful


    What would you like to hear George Lucas say when you arrive at the LucasFilm Gates?

    This is your scene, you'll be the 3rd trooper from the left

  7. Even without taking measurements, I'm pretty sure a standard AP lid wont fit.


    Now, that's not to say you wont be able to do it at all. You could try to adjust the sizing a bit during the construction, you do have some leeway.


    But, I think you would probably have the best luck looking into an RT-Mod oversized or Kev's ANH, which are slightly larger in sizing than AP (which tends to be the smallest), and aren't so out of proportion like the FX lid.

  8. I haven't seen any other way but to buy the whole big roll. Such a waste, you need to buy 6 ft, so you can use 6 inches.


    For a slight alternative, I didn't really like how the window screening looked or felt on my nose, so I found some black lace like fabric. Took about 4 layers to make it so the camera flash couldn't see my face. It was a bit easier to work with, found in smaller amounts, and some simple hot glueing is all it took to install.

  9. I'm thinking about painting my armor, and I'm aiming for EIB Standards. Currently, I have an ANH stunt setup, and I was going to match the paint scheme from the game, not from the figures. It seems to only make sense that I would have an ANH style blaster as well.


    To think about this from an in-universe way, the story takes place prior to ANH, so it seems to only make sense that ANH details would be there.


    I would say for ease of simplicity, the blaster should match which armor setup you are using. If you are modifiying an ANH stunt, you should have an ANH, and the same for ROTJ style.


    In the game it's nearly impossible to tell what type of blaster they are using.

  10. Following up on my post from earlier about a Garrison mate who has prescription lenses in his bucket. At the last trooping event, I saw inside his bucket. It looked like he had the normal lenses for his bucket, and then attached to them were his prescription lenses.


    Personally, I'd say that you should talk to your local Garrison, meet up with them at an event and see if you can try on some helmets to get an idea on sizing. It could possibly make a difference in which option you pursue.

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