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Posts posted by kroenen77

  1. yup, thats pretty much what i did.


    If i would have realized so many of you would want to do this i would have documented it better! Didnt think the over extended chest bothered this many people haha who knew?


    Ok..thanks,man. :) Your update is one of the best I´ve ever seen for the FX.

    I played a little bit with paint,to make the FX-Legs alittle bit more movielike..look at the left leg..what you think about the cuts?:



  2. One of the things that really bothered me on the FX armor was the way the chest plate curved to far down on the sides. So, after seeing the thread on how to make a return edge with a hobby iron, i went and got myself one and decided to take care of this bothersome thing on the chestplate. I didnt really document it as i went along as its quite simple to do, i just wanted to show the results i got. Its not perfect, but i think it looks way better than the standard FX chest. While i was at it, i also took in the thighs a bit more at the bottoms. Heres the pics:












    and this one for fun:



    What did you do exactley?Did you cut it out,or did you only form it under heat first and cut it after from the back of the chestplate?I´m a little bit confused,because my englisch is not the best.Sorry. :D

  3. Bro, they are the "for sale" signs or blinds for windows. Here in the US, they are thin plastic signs placed on car windows. You can buy these in any hardware or auto parts store. They flex easily and you can velcro them and glue the other end. Unfortunatley, you made need to paint them to match the color.


    The clone way is to use ABS plastic (bought at any plastic store or sign shop) and then use bondo or scupting putty to make it seamless. If you got some "skills" with a heat gun, you shape the plastic to your calves. Or some folks like to use boiling water which may be safer from warping as much.


    The Clones call this "spooning". Check out the Clone forum if you want to see their alternative. More work with sanding and painting, but would look much better if done correctly. Good luck!


    Thanks for the great tips...but do have a pic from this for "sale signs" for me?Here in germany I´ve never seen that.

  4. Yep, I had the same problem with my FX calves (also with the biceps and forearms), although my calves aren't nearly as FREAKIN' MASSIVE as yours. :lol:


    I used extra ABS to close mine, but it looks like the vinyl option might be best for you. How big around are your calves, anyway?


    Yes Bodybuilding is the wrong sport for a trooper...my arms are 51cm cold..and if I pump them a little bit,the velcro at the arms blow away.So I have problems with the shoulders..the bicepsparts are to big,to hold them under the shoulder all the time. :D

    My calves are 48cm cold...not the biggest,but big enough for the FX-armor. :(

  5. A friend of mine came up with attaching white vinyl upholstery or faux leather fabric on the inside of my FX calves with velcro. About an inch is all that can be seen from behind, but it looks like you may need more fabric for your calves. Not sure if you can add ABS plastic pieces to "shim" them without looking too obvious. Hope you find an answer :D


    The vinyl is a good idea...but I dont know whats the best way to fix it.That are the dark sites of Bodybuilding! :D

  6. I´ve a problem with my new FX:


    Has anywhere an idea,where I can close my calves on the back.The calves has a distance from ca.6 or 7cm between the 2 parts. :(


    Whats the best material to put it in this split to close it for trooping?




    I´m a bodybuilder,so my calves are a little bit bigger than the ones from most other guys. :(

  7. I wont be getting anything else for a while yet :( Waiting for my AP bucket and then will take my time on that for a bit before i get anything else. Be cool to see one of those kits though. :)


    No problem,man. :D


    Has anywhere an idea,where I can close my calves on the back.The calves has a distance from ca.6 or 7cm between the 2 parts. :(


    Whats the best material to put it in this split to close it for trooping?



  8. Yeh. Looked earlier. Asked on the Dented Helmet a while back if anyone made kits, got no replies, lol. Anyway, sorry for going off topic Mods :)


    A guy from the RPF wants to make a premium Kroenenmask for normal heads(the originalactor L.Beran is a very small guy with a small head..so the sideshowmask don´t fit anybody outside).I sended him pics and informations some months ago..if he finished his projekt and is selling casts,I can ask him for one for you(and me,too..hehe). :D

    But I don´t know,when he is finished.


    Sorry for the offtopic from me,too.But Kroenen is a evil trooper,too...the bloody sand of hell is running in his veins..uuuahhhh.. :P

  9. Nope :( Would love to get a replica mask/helmet one day, but can't find anyone who makes and sells 'em. You?


    The best Kroenenmask is the sold out one from sideshow.I have 2 Kroenenmasks:The WWII-Version with SS-Visocap and Knightscross and the Ninja-Version from the Museum...oh,and I´ve the 2 KroenenSwords,too.If I finished my Starwarsprops,I wanna build a Lifesize-Kroenen! :D


    On the left on this pic,you can see one of my masks.. :D ..:



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