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  1. Hello Guys, I've been putting off trimming the excess velcro from the back of my shin for too long and tonight I had someone trim it for me. Unfortunately I couldn't do it myself as I had to wear it and they cut too deep with the razor blade and gouged the bottom 4 inches or so. I'm afraid after trooping and fatigue that it'll break. What's the best way to approach reenforcing it? Just putting some ABS plastic on the backside? I'd probably have to remove the velcro on the back and glue some spare ABS plastic to the back side but on the front I'm not sure there is much I can do but its my lower part of my shin in the back so its not highly visible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. It's an Eric party around here I tried magic eraser and it took off some of the scuff marks but it did bite into the armor a little and i can't get about 50% of it.
  3. Hey Guys, I wanted to know how you guys cleaned up marks on your armor? I had to trim the return edge off my TK for centurion and my dremel caught the edge of my armor and this was the result. Although not large I'm not quite sure how to clean it up. I am thinking wet sanding the area with a fine grit sand paper. Is there a wax I will need to keep up with it?
  4. I came across this thread trying to find the answer myself. I've heard different things. I have MTK and i'm 6'1 and 180 lbs. I've been advised Arms = 15mm (fronts) Thigh and Shin = 20mm (front) Thigh back (25mm) I've also been told to do 20mm fronts for all pieces. I'm more leaning towards 20mm all fronts. How do you reach the size conclusion? Experience?
  5. Thanks everyone. I think doing a WIP build thread is a great idea. I'll have to take a bunch of pictures, organize my thoughts and start asking questions. I am going to make all my front seams 20mm (10mm on each half) and dry fit them and see if they will work then and then glue them with E6000's and have someone help fit the backs. I certainly appreciate everyones help. You all have been great!
  6. Somehow in my infinite wisdom i managed to mark the thighs but not the shins with which was which then i moved them so I'm not convinced I have it correct. I've marked them so I won't make the same mistake twice. You can tell me which halves to together and which ones are left and which is right? ------------- 2nd view: --------- 3rd view: --------- and for my knowledge how do you know? To me.. They look identical. I can identify front/back but not which halves together and which ones left/right. Thanks in advance
  7. Hey Guys, I am starting to put together some pieces and thought I'd ask for clarification on the armor. I have MTK armor and want to know which pieces are which. First up - Thighs. I believe 1-3 to together and 2-4 to together. For sake of clarification - which is inner and which is outer? ' Another angle: Last Angle: Up Next: Shins / Lower Leg Armor left side Angle: Right side Angle: \ Would you be so kind as to tell me which #'s go with what (and letters go together) and also label them inner right / outer right, etc. I believe I have the rest of the armor identified. Much appreciated! Eric
  8. I appreciate everyones feedback. I think after continuing to search I've found two articles that is basically what i've been looking for. This is ESB thread but are the lengths good enough? -------- also - I found a tutorial for thighs but i think the principles are the same for the other armor pieces: --------------- What I was asking (and not knowing the words to ask) is what the distance i need to cut between the purple arrows is.. but for thighs, forearms, biceps, and lower legs.
  9. Hello, I appreciate the response. I have "most" of the larger pieces trimmed The CRL has the following stipulations and I'm trying to know where to trim for the following using the butt joint method. I don't know the trim stats for the armor OR the cover strips for each piece. I appreciate the tip on searching using titles - seems to yield more accurate results. I guess a part of my issue is 'knowing what to search for.' Any reference links are of much help. Thanks again. Forearms must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Biceps must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Lower legs must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Thighs are constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method.
  10. Hello guys, I know this has been asked and posted around but I cannot seem to find the measurements needed so I thought I'd just ask. I'm working on my first MTK ANH Stunt TK and have most everything trimmed (Still too nervous to touch the helm yet!). What I'm trying to do is trim my biceps, forearms, thigh, and lower leg armor so i can butt joint them. What are the lengths to measure and is there any good resources on assembly for them? Has anyone done them without magnets? Is it worth it to try? I have small clamps and have yet to buy magnets yet (still researching but would consider a 'cheaper' method. Thanks in advance! Eric / Tais
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