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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Dazauto

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Forest Of Dean
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Motorsports, Family stuff, Trooping with the UKG.


  • Centurion Granted Date
  • EIB Awards
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  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison

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  1. I was the first Bfa/DA Props Centurion TK number 54 and still wear the armour today
  2. Congrats and great work matey Welcome to the Centurion Ranks, the 3rd BFA armour and Gloucestershire TK to achieve this
  3. Congrats matey, you've done a great job on your EIB and hope to have you join me in the Centurion ranks real soon Daz
  4. Looks great to me and love the natural weathering showing your armour is getting well used Good luck Peter and hope to have you in the Centurion ranks real soon
  5. Looks great to me matey, good luck with your application
  6. Awesome news, congrats Clive and well deserved. Now get down to the Cantina for that pint of blue milk ive put over for you Two Centurions for the Forest of Dean
  7. Great work on the improvements mate, good luck with your application. Looking foward to having another BFA Centurion in the ranks and one so close
  8. Awesome news Clive, congrats mate another BFA armour in the ranks of EIB Now with a little work you can join me in the Centuron ranks and that will make two BFA's to achieve the standard Great job trooper.
  9. Another BFA build looking great, good luck mate and hope to have you join me in the ranks real soon.
  10. Not sure about any stores selling the Tarrago Todd, ive always bought mine off Evilbay
  11. UPDATE BOOTS NOW WHITE Hi all after having these boots for quite a while now I thought it was about time I pulled my finger out and got them sorted and ready to wear with my TK, so after 6 coats of Tarrago white leather dye and 2 coats of Dylon white fabric paint on the elastics heres how they turned out
  12. Voted, BFA lid and armour here
  13. Heres a link to the mod I did on my counter with my TK number : http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/20982-resin-hengstler-counter-mod/
  14. Well done and congrats Billy, welcome to the ranks Great to see another set of BFA armour approved in the EIB, so are you now thinking of joining me in the Centurion ranks
  15. Hi Billy I dont think the gaps between the teeth was the issue Steffen had, he was talking about the grey paint had been carried on around the frown similar to the pic below This is not the way to do it and im sure you have not done this and its just the shadows on your pics playing tricks and making it look so. If possible could you post up a pic or two to show its just the teeth that are painted grey. Good luck mate
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