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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK-7959

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  • 501st Unit
    Nordic Garrison

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  1. Hoping you can find the right place, and continue the work. It looks very promising!
  2. Any progress on this build? I would love to see a finished one.
  3. Ok, thanks. Looking forward to the full resolution files. 200 MB should fit on any imageshack, flickr or place like that.
  4. Thank you! They were kind of low res though. No one uploaded them in "full" resolution?
  5. I mean the official group pictures from CVI. It is what I understood the thread was for? Haven found thoses anywhere.
  6. Where can I get hold of the group pictures (in full resuolution)? Want to see how we came out.
  7. Thanks for all the kind words! Legoland here I come!
  8. I tried Dazautos suggestions a week or so ago, but still no reply. So no luck here.
  9. I have also tried to reach Doopydoos via e-mail for months, using both my private and work e-mail accounts, but no luck. Tried again now with the F.A.O CASEY-subject. The website says "if you need to contact DoopyDoo's please email [email protected] between 10am - 5pm Mon - Fri" Do they only recieve e-mail during business hours? That is wierd. I have tried both during business hours and at nights though.
  10. Thank you, It is so nice to see that all the hard work pays off. (Picture sent via PM!)
  11. ANH Hero Stormtrooper - requesting Legion Centurion status (Improved SDS-armour) 1: Your Name 3 Henrik Pilerud 2: Your 501st TK ID # TK-7959 3: Your FISD forum name: TK-7959 4: Your Garrison Nordic Garrison
  12. I'm redoing my Expert Infantryman request, with my newly approved ANH Hero. (Last time it was Stunt) The difference is helmet and belt rivets, since my last request. Let me know if more pictures are needed. (501st profile not uppdated because I was approved just yesterday by GML Lisa Michaelsen of Nordic Garrison.)
  13. Yes they do, a strip of green plastic film as in the original. However I have other, sturdier, (gray) lenses installed, for comfort and for better picture in the helmed cam. Yes, revoke away. We can do this dance again when I finish my hero-plans.
  14. The legs have a strip on the front, and overlap at the back. The arms overlap on all sides. I don know if that is a problem. The lenses are grey, as I beleive was allowed when I joined. But I see in the CRL now, it is only allowed with green? Too hard for basic approval in my point of view. A small detail and grey is som much better for comfort. I that fails me, then I will wait with EIB/Centurion application until a later time.
  15. Requesting 501st status. http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=13699
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