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Everything posted by starsaber25

  1. You all have very interesting points of view. You guys do make me laugh. Even after it's said that I will not tell them to not watch the prequels some of you even say tell them not to watch them. So I'm 35 and I had a really interesting order of watching them growing up. I was about 7 years old. I first saw ROTJ. When I saw Darth Vader come down the ramp of the shuttle I had all kinds of emotions. I was scared, amazed, panicked, thought it was friggin AWESOME! I knew right away he was going to be a bad an impolite person! I was hooked right then! So then I ended up seeing ESB and then ANH. Talk about backwards! After seeing them I bounced back and forth between ANH and ROTJ growing up. Now I absolutely love ESB.<br><br> I saw the prequels at midnight showings of course. I have to admit. I really don't mind ROTS. I don't typically watch EP I or AOTC. But I still think they should not be skipped. Thanks for responding guys. I look forward to seeing more responses.
  2. Ok so I know this has been debated before but I am going to put it out there again. So my good friend who has never watched Star Wars mind you, wants to borrow my movies and watch them with his 7 year old son. So what is the order that I tell him to watch them in??? My gut tells me to have him watch Episodes IV-VII and then watched Episodes I-III. I feel that would be the best way for someone new to this world to watch them now. I feel like if you watched them from I-VII then you will not be hit by the surprises that happened in the original trilogy. So I guess the options are IV-VII then I-III, I-VII, or IV-VI, I-III, and then VII like the theatrical release. So I guess what way would you tell someone to watch them and then give the reason why. And no I'm not going to tell him to not watch the prequels at all because I'm sure there will be someone who says it. Let the debate begin!!! Thanks for participating.
  3. Hi Morris. In this thread you will find the contact info for ATA http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/11538-the-various-types-of-armor-and-where-to-find-them/ ATA is a great choice. Good Luck.
  4. This is going to be a long 9 months....
  5. Wow Jaren this has been a long time coming!! Your armor looks awesome! i don't have any suggestions for you at this point. Fantastic job. Good luck!
  6. Thanks guys! I'll probably submit my centurion thread at some point. I'm training at my job for this month so probably won't be until May. But thanks again for the support!
  7. Hey everyone and thanks! Tony how does it work? I thought I wouldn't get a new number and I would just get approved?
  8. Awesome job Allan. You did a great job on those rivets! Welcome to Centurion! I hope to stand tall and proud with you soon!
  9. Hey Chris. I see you didn't waste any time submitting for centurion. Again things look great! Good Luck!
  10. Thanks guys for showing the support! Yeah Andrew I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve in the future. I'm sure your HWT will be awesome!
  11. Hey Gregory. You have done a nice job on your SDS armor. Good luck!
  12. Well good morning Sean. Well there are many options for you to choose from and it can come down to your budget. Also another factor would be what armor are you matching it with. There can be differences in the color. But you have the high end priced helmets like RS and Troopermaster. And you have lower end to mid range pricing like ATA, AP, MTK, AM2, WTF, T/MC. They are all unique in their own way. Look around at some build threads and you may see one that you like. A good way to start is to narrow your choices down to a few and then contact the vendors. Most have their helmets ready to send out so there isn't much of a wait.
  13. Hey Tahitoa. Awesome job on your build. You have done a great job making this armor look top notch. Good luck!
  14. Hey Chris! Nice job on your armor! You made that anovos set look great! Good luck!
  15. Name: Steven Sheades TK ID: 10466 FISD Name: starsaber25 Garrison: Empire City Garrison Armor: MTK Helmet: MTK Blaster: DVH 2014 E-11 Height: 5'8" Weight: 190lbs Boots: Bass Amsterdams Canvas Belt: Trooperbay Handplates: AM Electronics: iComm with Aker Amp Neck Seal: Darman Holster: Trooperbay Hey Guys I'm back again. I had my MTK bucket sitting in the box since I built the armor and finally decided to pull it out a few months ago and decided to make it an ESB helmet. After that I decided why not go the whole way and complete the ESB style. So it was approved by my GML and this is now my second costume. So I put my troopermaster ANH helmet on the shelf for a minute, got a second belt/holster, and the new handplates. Why not right? Its funny how I see more battle wear this time around compared to my first EIB thread. Guys no rush on getting to this approval thread. I know you are busy so whenever you get a chance. The guys getting their first approval is more of a stressful and joyous time so take care of them and any other new comers. Thanks for looking! Front: Left Side: Left Details: Right Side: Right Side Detail: Back: Ab Detail: Shoulder Bridges: Dropboxes: Knee Ammo: Sniper Plate: Interior Strapping: Belt/Holster: Helmet Front: Helmet Left: Helmet Right: Helmet Rear: Mic Detail: Lenses: Neckseal: More Strapping: Blaster: Thermal Detonator: Action:
  16. Hey Allan looking great! Bring another centurion to ECG! Good Luck!
  17. Hey Sean you need to leave them open in the rear to get them on. Either method will work for centurion. Take a look at www.trooperbay.com and look at his video on putting together shins. That will give you a great idea on how to go about it.
  18. That's awesome Charles! I can't offer any feedback because I have not really studied the death trooper but it looks great to me!
  19. Awesome Pics Eric. Looks like a great time!
  20. Good stuff Eric. Sounds like 2016 will close with a dance party on Endor! Have a fun year and good luck.
  21. Hey guys I understand this thread has the potential to become a confrontational one. I also understand some of the situations involving EFX and what has been done so far. The only thing I can offer to this thread is to maybe try and take your concerns to PM or email instead of putting it all out there in the open forum. Maybe even try and avoid this thread all together. No sense in creating a toxic atmosphere for something that probably will not change the outcome in the future.
  22. Geez this is terrible news. I'm sorry to all troopers who were close to her as well as her family. My prayers go out to all of you. Like Vern said, keep sharing photos because that is a great way to memorialize her for the good she has done for her community as well as the care and support she had for her fellow troopers.<br><br><br> Bucket off!
  23. Great work guys! Another excellent newsletter. Tim's entry is right on point. There were some great troops as well this past month. That is what all of this troopers helping troopers is about!
  24. Hi Phil. Your armor is coming along nicely! As far as the rivets are concerned you should consider drilling them out and redoing them. If the rivet covers aren't going to sit flush then it may not look right. It's not too hard to do. You will be fine!
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