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Everything posted by starsaber25

  1. Nice job on your build David. Good luck with your application!
  2. Hi Nino. Congrats on the arrival of your armor! BBB day is a day you never forget. The excitement and fear is a unique feeling. I just love looking at the photos of fresh armor laid out. MTK is a great kit and I've been very happy with mine for the last few years. Anyway, I have a Darman neckseal and I have Velcro. No real reason why I chose it but it has served me very well. When i I first started trimming my armor I tried an xacto knife once and realized real quick that wasn't the way to go. I did most of my build using a shop knife and scored and snapped like Mike does in the trooperbay videos. Scissors are also ver effective and used them as well. Make sure you have your undersuit when you do your test fitting for your armor pieces. You may think it won't effect the fit that much, but it can. Have fun with your build. It's an amazing time!
  3. Hi Tom. So I wouldn't say that your goal of becoming a trooper is a pipe dream. It is a dream that many of us have and some people have gone to great lengths to make it happen. So it doesn't always come down to your waist size. It also comes down to your body type, your height, weight, size of your arms, size of your legs and other factors. I know of members who are a size 34 waist but like to work out a lot have have trouble fitting their arms in the armor. Anyway, there are a couple of sets of armor that are geared toward the larger trooper. The first one that comes to mind is AM2.0. This is a very nice set of armor that has more added plastic to the pieces to give the larger trooper an opportunity to fullfill their dreams. Other armors geared toward the larger trooper at this point are RT-MOD, AP, and MTK. I have a 36 inch waist and I have plenty of room in my MTK. I know there are larger sized troopers out there that maybe can weigh in here. Do I know if you would be able to fit in armor with a 50 inch waist? No but maybe it can be done and maybe someone has already done it. If you have dreams of becoming a stormtrooper and fear that your waist size will prevent you from doing it then there is no other real motivation to start losing that weight. But I have no doubt that you will be able to do it if you set your mind to it. Good luck!
  4. There you go! Congrats Steve! Welcome to EIB! I'm glad that you didn't decide to give up. You were so close and I knew you would get it. Congrats again!
  5. Congrats on getting that beautiful set of armor! I can see from the photos that MTK has made numerous improvements over the years. You are off to a good start. The only thing I would say is to wear your under suit when you are fitting your pieces. Have fun!
  6. Hi Jason and welcome to FISD! There are many helpful members in the Orlando Area. I believe you would be part of the Makaze Squad which serves your area. One of the best things I can tell you is to start a build thread. We would then be able to follow along with your on your build and offer advice when needed. Which armor did you go with and did you receive it yet? Good luck!
  7. I've literally been staring at your armor for the past 5 minutes and all I want to do is reach through the computer screen and push your ab and kidney together with my hands. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why you can't get it to close. I feel like you should be able to. Can you not shorten the elastic anymore? I feel like if you could that should get rid of your alignment issue and then also close the gap more. No matter what I think you will get it figured out. I think with some tinkering with your elastics then you will get it to where you want it to be.
  8. Hey Robert. Randy gave you a good idea of some issues. I know a few guys who have Anovos TKs and the major downsides are it appears to be more prone to cracking then other armors and the lack of replacement parts. Otherwise the armor itself is a nice set of armor. I gotta be honest, it appears to me that more people have their nose turned up to Anovos the company as opposed to their actual product. Anovos has left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths so I think because of this it is also getting the stigma that the product is bad. I've only had one dealing with them and it was buying their Tie Helmet. I had no issues with the company nor the product at this point. So I have no ill will. But I would have no fear if I were you. Just take care of your TK and you should be fine.
  9. So unfortunately I will have to echo my buddies Randy and Allan's posts. $550 is on the low end for you to get yourself a kit. I would look into MTK. You can find him on ebay as MTK Armory (the only armor you should ever buy on ebay) or you can email him at mtk_armor@cox.net I think his armor would be in your price range but it would just be in kit form. You would have to build it which would require you to buy some tools and accessories you will need to assemble the kit. Also don't forget you would need at belt, boots, undersuit, holster, and other things. Take a look at this thread: Also check out this thread: This hobby is not cheap. It is important to do as much research as you can before you jump in so you do not waste any money in the short run or even the long one. Ask us any questions you may have. Also yes I am moving this thread from the Ebay Armor section to the getting started section.
  10. Very nice looking armor James! Looking sharp! Good luck with your application!
  11. Hi Steve. You have done a very nice job with your armor. The only thing that sticks out to me is you may have an issue with your ab and kidney gap. For EIB, the CRL states no more then 1/2 Inch. From a few of the photos you have provided it looks like it may be more then that. But of course time will tell. The only other thing is you are probably going to need to scrape off the white paint on the snaps in your butt plate but that is an easy fix. Good luck with your application!
  12. This is pretty cool Ross! Going the higher levels in your own armor eh? Pretty cool. Looking good! Good Luck!
  13. Hi Zach and welcome to FISD! So Faraway Creations is MonCal. The armor is very nice armor and would not require any additional work except for it would need to be assembled correctly. Now just a warning: I'm not sure what MonCal is like with their Stormtrooper armor but with many other costumes there is an extremely long wait to get your items from them. Maybe reach out to Tray on this forum and check with him on his set of armor. If I'm not mistaken, Tray is another vendor for MonCal. If you haven't already, please check out this thread:
  14. Yup just like Randy said. MTK is totally legit and so is his eBay store. That's a good price too!
  15. Hi Gary. Yeah I would stay away from MOT. It's very cheap and thin styrene. Check out the vetted seller thread. Also I saw recently that MTK was doing a very nice deal on eBay. Probably the only armor being offered on eBay right now that's worth every penny.
  16. Hi Bill. You need 4 posts in order to post. So just respond back to me with anything and then you should have no problem.
  17. Congrats and welcome to Centurion!
  18. So I know that its an older post but I would like to comment that this was a brilliant idea Chris. The billograms were hosted on photobucket and it was great to get these on the forum before this whole disaster with them. Kudos to you for doing this before the disaster struck.
  19. Congrats Jay! Welcome to Centurion! Well deserved!
  20. BTW Joe I didn't realize this was you at first. I've spoken to Anthony about this as well. AM will be a great set of armor for you. It will work out very well. Don't hesitate.
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