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Airborne Trooper

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About Airborne Trooper

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    Mechanicville, NY

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    Garrison Excelsior

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  1. On the tutorial for the BLE, the RX and TX labels are wrong for the male 3.5mm jack. Once I swapped it around mine began working.
  2. Forgot to tell you that everything worked great last weekend at our local comic con we did Saturday and Sunday.
  3. I've got to remember to do that tonight actually with my fans on and everything. I have a convention this weekend so want everything perfect.
  4. Works great now! Only thing I can think of next is putting the calibrate feature in the app.
  5. Still waiting for it to show up in the Apple App Store
  6. I got my BLE fixed too. The Yellow and White on the 3.5mm needed to be swapped. I did exactly like your photo shows so you might want to change it. Having the same issues too with profiles.
  7. Make sure you update the SDCard zip file too!
  8. # Sound effects [effects_dir=/sounds/] # Background loops [loop_dir=/loops] # Startup sounds [sounds_dir=/sounds/] https://github.com/becauseinterwebs/TKTalkie/blob/master/3.0/SDCard/profiles/SAMPLE.TXThas this as well. Simply change to effects_dir=/effects/
  9. On the Teensy you sent me? I have the BLE wired up like this on the right: I can try swapping them around before I end up replacing the entire end.
  10. I got a present in the mail yesterday, Brent! Thanks for the quick delivery! I noticed on mine too I get the startup sound instead of clicks. Didn't have time last night to really look into it so glad Erik figured it out. I am going to redo the end of my BLE as I was getting Time Out error when trying to connect to my iPhone.
  11. I suppose it's worth giving a shot tonight. It was working until I started messing with the female 3.5 jack being loose. Fingers crossed!
  12. The SD card is good. I can insert it in the card adapter and my computer reads it just fine. I get power to my BLE as well.
  13. LOL I have the absolute worst luck. I'm pretty sure my audio shield shorted out last night since it refuses to read the SD card. I have a few at the house from times my several burnt Teensy 3.2. I'm hoping I can get one to work or I will just throw in the towel and order one built by Brent. At least I know my BLE works
  14. This one is what I have and works: http://www.ebay.com/itm/172395308212?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  15. I read through the Github files and know it's the SD card not being read. I am having to replace my female jack for the BLE to plug into because it's a loose fit.
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