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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About FunkyTrigger

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  • FISD Service Medals
  • Centurion Granted Date
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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison

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  1. Thumbs up from me.
  2. Congratulations on your centurion award Peter
  3. Congratulations on your Centurion award Lee.
  4. Hi Lee, it is nice to see you here with a Centurion application, if you need any further help with it then please ask. Lee's back plate overlap was setup to align with the top of his kidney plate, this can be seen on the Left hand side, but it appears to have dropped a touch on the right hand side. Lee is also planning to install frown mesh in his new TM lid, but troops with a black balaclava to obscure his face. I also have to admit to forgetting to take a lids off pic for him for his submission pics, however as Lee is out trooping now so regularly it won't be long to add the required missing pics. Good luck Lee, nice build
  5. Hi Lee, congratulations on your EIB award. You have done well.
  6. Sorry, I'm a bit late to the party Clive, but congratulations on both your EIB and Centurion awards.
  7. Thank you and well done Eric.
  8. Well done Ian.
  9. Hi Tim I think this is a superb EIB application. It has been presented very well, and your attention to detail is superb. Well done trooper.
  10. Hi Ingrid It's probably best, as you are the Deputy Commanding officer of the FISD to have checked the tutorials before making a post like you have just done. With your staff position credentials it does not serve well for you to be mis informed or thrown confusion into the pot. Here is the up to date colour chart.
  11. Re: your AB buttons, you may need to view some screen caps for reference as I don't think you have nailed the right look there or ... Have a look at TK6287's AB buttons, this is another EIB applicant running alongside yours. Your AB buttons need to more like those. Good luck trooper
  12. Looking good there trooper. Out of 3 consecutive and current EIB applications your the only one that has nailed your AB buttons colours and painting correctly. I just thought I'd mention that. Your kidney and ab side gaps are not symmetrical. You have more than the allowed EIB side gap on one side and virtually none on the other side. Therefore overall your side gaps would be perfect with a little strapping adjustment there. Good luck trooper.
  13. The blue on the AB buttons need checking there. They look like the old dark midnight blue, rather than the required lighter French blue. A better pic may help clear up what colour they are.
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