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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Arnie_DK

  1. He is currently getting feedback for his CT boots over on CTN
  2. Haha, you right! Hadnt noticed that And thanks
  3. Meh... Then its too big...
  4. And the size is US, yes??
  5. May I call dibs, untill tomorrow evening 2359??
  6. Yeah I heard. I think it came the day after I told you to paint yours grey
  7. Had better luck with the other set of ears. Sits way better now
  8. I think I'm gonna try and make the extra set of ears, to see if I can get them to sit a little more flush
  9. Been a slow progress lately, and its not looking to go any faster the next couple of months, since I have a new project to attend to (we bought a house!!!) But I did receive the helmet yesterday and have only threwn in a few hours to the assembly
  10. There is a guide, in the Getting started/Tutorials section here on FISD, that explains both methods in great details
  11. Thanks for making the comparrison
  12. Looks like they have sniper plates on both knees...
  13. Can anyone with a Hasbro and the new Rubies, make a side by side comparrison??
  14. My thought exactly! Take two, okay E-11's, and make a perfect one
  15. Probably. But I could see myself getting one of theese, and use parts from this and my MR, to get a more accurate and "de-activated/replica like" Sterling E-11.
  16. its actually not that hard. They have made an accurate Sten AEG not so long ago, and it have even less room for the gearbox, than the Sterling have.
  17. But still cheaper than a MR
  18. On the JR its overlap, so plenty to trim off and make butt join and strips
  19. Well, I'm not Vern, but, After I found additional pictures, the trigger housing looks wrong. This is likely because this is a softgun and they need space for the gearbox, but still. I would say this is the biggest flaw in this model. And there is no flat area in front of the bayonet lug.
  20. http://rsov.com/product.php?langId=1&currencyId=1&manufacturerId=10&prodId=20008&cateId=579
  21. Found a few things on the Google http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/beta-project-sterling-aeg.html#.VECRoxakwZk
  22. Not entirely sure where the helmet comes from originally. There have been speculations, that its a recast SDS battlespec helmet though... And I agree Vern. Suit is definetly FX derived.
  23. Also, you might want to check out this comparison I made some time ago (its pinned in the Hard Armor Discussion sub-forum) http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/18754-commercial-vs-fan-made/
  24. Needs new boots Black elastic strap on the shoulders around your biceps Cut the buttplate to shape Remove more or less all velcro from the parts and glue them together using but-join and coverstrips method, or overlap(Would also advise cutting the pieces to fit you, before gluing). Exchange plastic belt with fabric Get covers for the screws on the belt. Cut belt corners to a 45 angle Glue Kneeplate Attach and round off knee ammo pack Glue plastic shoulder straps to front plate make correct attachment of TD canister(two aluminium "clips") I think thats the main parts. Take a look at the CRL and others build threads, and you will get the idea
  25. Any chanse you could send one of those backplates with the helmet, or is it already shipped??
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