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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Arnie_DK

  1. Thanks Paul. I didnt want to cut anything because I had seen some troopers with quite pointy thighs. But I have changed them now. I used the heatgun to start with, as I'd like to keep the return edge. I also like the little notch on the back of the left thigh, so I kept that
  2. Not entirely confident about the thigh strips... Any second opinons would be nice before I glue them in.
  3. Ahh yes...time for a mistake Its no major crisis, but still a bit annoying In my eager to do what I can while the E6000 cures, I suddenly realised that I needed coverstrips more than I needed, the snap plates i was making! Stopping the snap plate making to check I had enough strips to cover my thighs and shins I realised I had used too much of the raw strips provided by TM to make the rest of the strips 25mm, as the one I had already installed on the left shin. So the solution would be to split the last raw strips I had in half, thus making the strips for the thighs roughly 22mm. Most people probably wont even notice that shins are 25mm front and back, and the thigs only have 22mm...but I will always know! But I guess its something I will have to redo sometime. It works for now.
  4. Have come to the point where I can try a few things on. Back and butt held on with tape from the inside. The belt is from my old armour.
  5. Indeed there is, and I have been looking, reading and bookmarking, since before I ordered the kit Also there are the Blueray snapshots to look at Belt have been redone and I have tried my hand at making some bicep hooks with the heat gun...NOT easy!
  6. Hmmm yeah. Didnt notice that. I measured my belt length from Stukatroopers build on Flikr.
  7. The problem with the lenses, is that the lens itself have an uneven surface... But maybe I shouls just leave some of it unglued, so I get that airflow you are talking about.
  8. I'm trying to make some lenses that fit to the eye sockets in the helmet, and then glue them in using hot glue, but I cant seem to get them to sit flat. Any advise??
  9. Ahh yes. A-10, the flying cow
  10. Thanks guys Aaand its ready and waiting
  11. Hmm... seems I'm stuck while waiting for the E6000 to cure. Lets have a look at the to do list. Add inner and outer strips to both forearms(Why didnt I get 8 more clamps!!!) Attach the sides of the sniper plate Outer strips on thighs, shins and biceps Attach ammo pack to thigh. Snap plates all around Strapping. And the belt. Talking about the belt, I have looked around in the Centurion section for some info on where the buttons should be positioned and how big the 45 degree should be cut. Does it go from the ammo belt to the canvas belt, like on the right in the pic, or is it a bigger cut, like on the left(the pencil marks are only there for illustration). And the buttons. Again, left or right is the right choice?
  12. Have you at least tried looking at the links people have given you? There are plenty of alternatives in them
  13. You'll regret buying Rubies. It will never get accepted, unless you spend almost as much time modding it, as you would building your own.
  14. Need an extra opinion on this. To mee it looks wonked, but is that okay for a shin? Its the left shin and the back strip isnt glued yet.
  15. Gluing inner shims going well. Lover body done and drying
  16. I've tried theese before, so at least I know they are good, but really... Thats just robbing people. I think I gave what, 10$ for 30 magnets on trooperbay! Oh well... Aint building if I'm complaining. Break is over, time for coffee an E6000
  17. Reinforcements have arrived!! 20 snaps, rivets and rivet gun, straps and elastic,20 assorted clamps and 34 magnets. Also 2 whoppers, 2 cheeseburgers and 8 hot wings. Time to glue some stuff together...after "lunch"... Oh and the magnets are "BLEEEEP" expensive when bought in a hobby shop!!! That lot cost me roughly 400dkr (=70$)!!
  18. Here is what I could find from various tours. Some are my old units and some i have traded for.
  19. Hehe... already drank a whole pitcher
  20. So I found out!! 36 magnets and 16 assorted clamps, is FAR from enough... Just waiting for the stores to open now.
  21. ahh yes, I will get right to it. Thanks. Your help have been greatly appreciated And yeah, as you know I want Centurion But the first step, is to get it done by the Troop next weekend, so I have to work fast. Luckily I work better under pressure, than when I have plenty of time
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