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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Rich330

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    Ruhr Valley, Germany


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    German Garrison

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  1. A while ago I started a YouTube channel with the intention of producing a full set of armour building tutorials. I have abandoned the channel and will not be doing any more with it but I will leave the tutorials on there for reference. I got quite far with the build so there's quite a lot of material which may be useful to people just starting out. Here are links to the two relevant playlists: PLAYLIST 1 "Stormtrooper costume: General information" PLAYLIST 2 "Stormtrooper armour build tutorials (Star Wars)"
  2. I don't think I can stand seeing another thread along the lines of "I bought SDS armour - Can I join the 501st?" (not here I hasten to add!)
  3. Looks like the belt is riveted permanently to the abdomen too.
  4. Any use? I don't see anything conclusive with regard to possible rivets at the front. However, there are clear indications of hook and eye fastener tape at the rear ...
  5. Welcome back, boss!
  6. Excuse me if this is in the wrong place and feel free to move the thread if it belongs in another section. My wife treated me to a photo shoot with with a professional photographer for my birthday. I put on my mixed-and-matched set of armour, comprising parts from RS and TM, and finally got some photos that do my costume justice. It was a really cool experience and I'm very happy with the photos. Here is a selection, hope they are of interest ....
  7. Ha! Cool. They just looked a lot like Ked's. You do know that videos of you dancing in full armour are compulsory for all FISD members once the armour if complete, right?
  8. Next time, mate. I'm sure it won't be another six years till the next get-together!
  9. One of the highlights of Star Wars Celebration Europe III for me was what I called "Meet the Mentor Day". After six years of trooping it was an honour to finally meet Mark "Fireblade Jedi" Gage of the UK and not only that, but get to spot for him whilst he was suited up. Back in 2010, when I first started looking to get into the hobby, it was Mark who - as UKG armourer - intercepted my first posts on the UKG forum and guided me through the minefield of recast crap and rip-off gear and pointed me in the right direction. He sent me a list of approved suppliers (the template for what would later become a pinned post on these boards) and told me straight: "With your physique, I'd get a TM". I never looked back. I finally got to say thank you in person. Here's a few seconds of video of Mark with Dennis (Obi-Hahn, German Garrison) - and me behind the camera - on our way from the changing room and through the security checks.
  10. It was cool seeing the new suit up-close and in the flesh. I'm no authority on the details of the First Order armour but you've clearly done a fine job on the fit and finish and you seem to have good mobility. You see no end of costumes which seem to be built for anyone but the actual wearer, so this is a nice change and very easy on the eye.
  11. Check the photos of original suits in the references section. There were all kinds of shapes at the ends of cover strips.
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