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About 1mpulseS0D

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    Kristianstad, Skåne, Sweden

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    Nordic Garrison

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  1. I'm pretty sure I'm a rare case ^^ As I said, sometimes life happens and you just gotta put stuff aside for a while
  2. Just like Boba Fett crawls out of the Sarlacc pit, I am back from the dead! Life happened and everything has stood still for years. I have finally found the lost motivation, and the time to say the least to finally get back on track, and hopefully after 10 bloody years finish my TK! As I dug out my armor from the box it's been sitting in, dusted off my bucket and managed to find my boots, I have noted the few things I have left to do to finish my armor. I aimed way to high when I started building my armor, aiming for the higher quality rankings to make sure the armor was as good as I could get it. Now, to begin with, I'm mainly aiming to get it approved! To list the things that has to be done: Assemble Doopydoos E-11 Blaster Kit Get a holster (holster kit) Make/purchase a neck seal Attach the small ammo belt on right thigh Attach strip of plastic on the back of my right shin (Because for some reason it's gone?? I have no idea where) Build the thermal detonator (Need to purchase/make metal clips for it) Attach a new button plate because the old one is real messed up due to mistakes and bad paint Repaint painted details due to the color aging and turning yellow-ish Fix yellowing on some parts of the armor due to it being stored away for a long time and plastic tends to yellow Refit strapping and padding to make it a bit comfortable Now, I assume a lot has happened since I last worked on this in 2014, so if anyone would like to bring me up to speed that would be really helpful! Time to finish this!
  3. A little update. My boots are payed for and ready for shipping, probably 2-3 weeks until I get them. Soon everything's finished! Just the small pieces left now! List of what's left: Attaching thigh ammo pack Neck seal Build the E-11 Blaster Build a holster for the blaster Put in better strapping Soon
  4. One year later and I still have not acquired the courage to build my blaster So I have not been able to work on the holster either since I need the blaster for measurements! Anyone knows good materials for the holster and where to find it in Sweden? I've just received my rubber hand guards, so that's some progress at least! They just need to be fastened to my gloves and then that is set. Anyone know a good glue to use for this? And I'm currently waiting for a reply from the boot makers to get info about shipping and all that. So hopefully I will be on the waiting list or even got some boots ordered by next week! My thermal detonator is on it's way to become finished! Just need to touch up the plastic edges with some sandpaper and glue the panel on to the tube. The metal clips for it is also under construction! After all this I only need to get a neck seal, which is easily homemade. Then it's just the hardest part left, strapping the suit so it fits nicely! Anyone that could guide me through that process to get some good troopable strapping?
  5. I will finish my suit of armor for sure! And I'm aiming as high as Centurion. If not in the first pass but the second! Trying to do as much as I can now when I'm initially building it!
  6. It's been a while since last time, but now it's yet time to cross another thing of my list of to-dos before getting finished with my armor. I turn 18 in about 2 weeks, and i thought i might get myself something nice. Guess what got here way before schedule? Doopydoo's E-11 Blaster Kit! Got the same feel as when my AP kit first arrived! Oh good how the hell am i going to pull this through :-D I guess there is some buildthreads here that i could follow! After my E-11 is finished i only have the thigh ammo belt, Thermal Detonator, Holster and Boots left to accuire/finish. Soon i will be finished and finally getting to put on the last suit i'll ever wear, or something in that same feel :-D
  7. Not much left now Thigh pack not attached yet.. I also need to make a neckseal.. Thermal detonator is not complete yet, i need to finish the metal strips.. Handguards are temporary attached with white elastic straps.. I'm still on the waitinglist for TK-Boots.. I'm still searching for the right material to make the holster.. Blaster will be bought when holster is done.. Other than that I'm on the track
  8. Anyone know how it went for Max?
  9. I'm going to paint the first green layer on my helmet today, i already got two coats of primer on. Now this picture is taken after the first layer of primer is on. -------------- This is still rough and got touched up. The second layer is added after i've done some extra touching up with a dremel and some sandpaper! Pics of the green painted helmet will come up later today! This helmet will only be for the looks though, as it was my first helmet built and it is slightly too small! I will make a new wearable later though!
  10. I got a pepakura Halo helmet in progress, if you'd like i'll post some pics. It's fairly simple really! And the result is great!
  11. I got trooperbays belt, though i think mine has some cartonboard instead of plastic, though im not sure! It's great either way!
  12. I waited for about 20 weeks for mine to get ready to ship. Didn't order it finished though, i ordered kit so that i could build it myself! Other than the long waiting time i really enjoy the AP armor!
  13. Yet again i ask about these rivets, would this be good positioning for placing them? Also, my left shin is looking better now? I still think it looks abit wonky, but thats maybe how it should look like, it's lined up though!
  14. What kind of leather should i use? What thickness? I've looked at some leather but it felt too flimsy..
  15. Belt is as done as i can do it right now, ain't got no holster yet. Both dropboxes are closed in the back too!
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