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Everything posted by Locitus

  1. I do the same as TM. I thought that was the natural way to set them.
  2. Yes, it's still approvable with a newer helmet. But the work you'd need to put into it barely makes it worthwhile.
  3. When it comes to Matt, second chances are more like the 40th chance by now.
  4. Yeah, the certificate they are presenting isn't issued to the domain that serves the images, so you get a domain name mismatch that the browser won't accept.
  5. Yeah, have patience.
  6. It's a pain in the ass, that's what it is.
  7. We'll fix it when we get around to it. But it's not a priority.
  8. We still don't allow much image hosting on this site, so maybe tapatalk hosts the images for you. But keep in mind then that you probably don't have as much control over the images as you might want or expect.
  9. Well we are a browser-mainly forum, so this is not high on the priority list. Ps. The mobile browser plays nicely with the forum.
  10. Could be thaat tapatalk plugin needs an upgrade. We updated the forum software yesterday.
  11. We are a volunteer organisation. You'll get dealt with when the person handling requests has time to process you.
  12. That was not the RS suit I showed, but one in store at the LFL archives. But it's accurate none the less.
  13. There are threads on how to make armour fit ladies. It all depends on what your body build is (applies to men too). AM is bigger than normal, so if you're slender going with AM is the opposite of what you want. There are multiple cuts you can make to the armour to make it both shorter and more slender should you need to, without going with another brand (most armour is sized somewhat the same, or even larger than RS). Here's a thread on the subject for example: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/18243-howto-modifying-armor-for-women/
  14. Bad idea to use the soldering iron. You've made the hole too big I bet. Just use a nail the size of your rivet next time, to punch through the belt..
  15. It isn't. It is simply a top-of-the-head list of the most common makers.
  16. Few? UK probably has more TK armour makers than the US, and you have the top 3 makers on the list.
  17. There are soo many vendors out there, not everyone can get their own slot. Especially if it's pretty much the same as any other vendor. Think of the options as different "families" of armour. CFO ROTJ has literally ZERO in common with FX or RS, therefore they each have their own slots. WTF, ATA and AP are all TE derived, but are in such high numbers that they warrant their own slots based on numbers alone.
  18. Why is this so important to you, really? If it's TE derived (most likely) just tick that box and be done with it.
  19. Well then, if he's going to be known by multiple names that doesn't help at all.
  20. There was no list last year. But it could be the case. In that case I suppose he just hasn't made enough impact on FISD to make us keep him in mind.
  21. If that was really the case, I'm sure we'd known about him by now.
  22. Who's that? We can't include every small vendor out there, especially if they only serve local troopers. That's why we have the "other" selection.
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