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Rob .T .

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Rob .T .

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    Warrington U.K.
  • Interests
    Star Wars.Dr who.Daleks.Musclebikes.Streetrods.


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    united kingdom garrison

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  1. Joseph’s position is shown as DPRO , but DPRO isn’t on the main list of abbreviations
  2. Well done Tim , lots of detailed hard work has paid off . You really deserve this .
  3. Do we know who the name ( Alan h ) refers to ? Presumably the stunt man that wore the helmet . when SSSkunky got one of these helmets he managed to,identify the wearer from writing in the helmet .
  4. Well done Tim, and about bloody time !!!!! See you at an event very soon .
  5. So why not go for centurion with your ANH RS armour as well ? Then you can have two costumes at EI and Centurian ! That would be cool .
  6. Probably the most accurate esb armour available to be honest .
  7. That’s a great photo, which I’ve never seen before . Do you have any information about it ? Where/when was it taken ? Etc …. Cheers.
  8. Thanks Andrew . I guessed as much.
  9. Even though the esb mk 2 suits were mainly used for promotional work, one does appear in the carbon freezing scene ( pick up shots filmed in America after principle filming was over ) . so it is classed as screen used . so if I were to build an esb mk 2 suit , as there is currently no CRL , would it be aprovable ? Could it be taken to expert infantry or centurion ?
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/132294556451?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QchUQQi5Srq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=uTU_6smiTR2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY this link may work during 2023 . It’s the belt material . From the U.K.
  11. The belt material appears to be 57 mm white nylon webbing . If you eBay search that ( in the U.K.) it’s available from military suppliers as the British army uses it for white ceremonial belts . It’s called courline webbing or parade belt webbing. it’s about 15 pounds for 1 1/2 meters . there’s no point in me posting a link as it will be out of date for readers in the future . I still can’t find a hi res clear picture of the U trim .
  12. So, apart from “ contact cfo “ or “ contact Tm “ does anyone have actual sources of the 2 1/4 nylon webbing for belts, or the 10 mm up trim for around the body armour . Actual modern companies that sell to the public ???? im not excluding mark or Paul from the discussion, I just would like a source new members/ builders can use to locate their soft goods . id include white soled Chelsea boots in this enquiry, but I’m a realist . Lol . cheers folks.
  13. Rob .T .


    The archive is owned by Lucas film . The licensing for Star Wars items is through Disney . No access to the lucasfilm archive comes with a Disney license . This answers your question .
  14. The uk garrison will be hosting the 501st involvement in this event , keep checking their forum and social media for announcements . Early days yet , but my hotel is booked .
  15. Rs props had a genuine crate , although they never discovered what it originally was , it had holes in the sides, and maybe childrens school playground equipment was considered . Unfortunately a mould wasn’t taken , and it was lost in the fire of 2021.
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