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June 2013 Newsletter

Kessel Run
  • gallery_15432_42_19193.jpg






    From the Detachment Leader

    Around the Detachment

    Tip of the Month

    Legion News

    In Memoriam

    Troop of the Month

    How to make an Impression





Aloha kakou,


May was a big trooping month for the 501st. On one weekend most garrisons were scrambling to get troopers to both free comic book day and the various May the 4th celebrations. While I'm a plane ride away from the rest of my outpost, I know that they busted their butts to fulfill many obligations. From following the troop report threads it looks like it was the same hectic schedule across the Legion for my fellow TKs. Congrats on a busy month making people smile at every type of event possible.


Our latest proposed CRL changes for EIB and Centurion have not gone through yet. The LMO team became swamped again in the time it took me to request the changes. Given the time span between the initial changes to the base requirements and these changes, we may have to rethink how much we want to change. Two major changes a year may only continue to cause confusion for new recruits. If we end up making all the changes I will institute a grace period for people who are in the middle of their EIB or Centurion builds to allow some folks to pass under some of the old standards Once I get caught up with the LMOs I'll update the detachment accordingly. Please continue to stand by.


The biggest flurry of activity on FISD lately has been all the new NE builds. NE armor is the latest generation from the former maker of AM. While the origins of this new armor are totally unclear, we cannot deny that more and more troopers are buying this armor because its more readily available than other popular kits. I would like to make a formal plea for someone to compare the NE armor's size to a known kit. The two questions on my mind are a) Is this armor made for the bigger trooper B) Is the three piece construction helmet possibly made for larger craniums. Please do not spend your energy on postulating wether or not the armor has been recast. I am only interested in relative size. If any of you who own ATA, TM, TE2 etc armor and know of a garrisonmate with NE, I am offering a special FISD prize to the first person to post high quality comparison photos of armor and helmet with a table of measurements.


On the subject of swag, we are planning a FISD coin run for later this summer.


Thank you for everything each of you does for our detachment. I know there are troopers out there not on staff making major contributions for the sake of Troopers Helping Troopers. You folks are the beating heart of the detachment and what you do is thankless, so I'm thanking the dedicated and unsung here en masse.


With Unquestioned Loyalty and Aloha....


Eric Brager

TK-9674 "Darth Aloha"

Detachment Leader





Totals of Awesomeness as of May 31, 2013:


Centurion Awards: 2 (total 86)

Expert Infantry Awards: 8 (total 315)


Fire Team Tally: 12 total (0 new)


Attaché Tally: 0 new


What's an Attaché? Someone in your garrison who represents FISD with the friendly "Troopers Helping Troopers" spirit! Is that you? Volunteer today!

See the full list of Attachés near you, or volunteer!


New member registrations: 277


Activity on the forums was down in April, but picked up in May, probably because it's the start of Con Season.


Reported Field Exercises: April - 16; May - 17

Check them all out!


Twitter Followers as of 3/31: 880

Facebook Followers as of 3/31: 1825


Do you know of people in your garrison who don't regularly visit whitearmor.net, but might benefit from the FISD and Legion updates, as well as tips and some community-oriented fun? Invite them to follow us on Twitter or Facebook.




Now that you've built it, SHARE IT! Create a tutorial for your fellow TKs. Don't worry if it's a subject that's been done before, just write some helpful instructions and add photos, and you're truly a "Trooper Helping Troopers." Feel free to PM me if you have an idea or need help.


Do you know of people in your garrison who don't regularly visit whitearmor.net, but might benefit from the FISD and Legion updates, as well as tips and some community-oriented fun? Invite them to follow us on Twitter or Facebook.


With Unquestioned Loyalty,


Ingrid Moon

TK-6818 "LadyInWhite"

Executive Officer





HOW-TO: Tube stripe painting with no bleed through


Want that hand-painted look but intimidated by the tube stripes? Fear no more! With this tutorial even the must unsteady hand can get the tube stripes just right using stencils!

1. First of all place your stencil where you want it making sure all edges are pushed down as smooth as you can get...





2. Second, take your base coat which will be white because that's what color the bucket is..Take it and apply a nice thin layer over the stencil..What this does is it fills in all the voids,and or open areas under your stencil..So, basically when it dries noting will get underneath it because it's filled and dried..





3. Last step is to apply the last coat which is your blue. Real easy, just add a nice layer over the white and peel back the stencil and this is your outcome..








Tutorial Submitted with Unquestioned Loyalty by


Bob Maciejewski "BoB-o"





Last month the folks over at Starwars.com asked fans worldwide to send in photos of Star Wars characters at their local landmarks, and the response appears to have been overwhelming. Garrisons and Squads from around the world sent in photos which can be seen here. http://maythe4th.starwars.com/photos/

Starwars.com thanked the Legion and its members in the following letter



A letter from Mary Franklin, to the 501st.

First of all, please share our exuberant THANK YOU for spreading the

word about the Landmark photographs for May the 4th! The response was

truly overwhelming and incredible. I’ve never seen such a wonderful

variety of photographs from so many locations all over the world

featuring Star Wars! Thank you for making that happen. It’s one of my

favorite things ever on www.starwars.com.


Secondly, our PR team has put together a great collection of fun in

one convenient Star Wars camp packet, and they wanted me to share it

with you. Please enjoy, and if your kids and their friends use some of

these ideas, please send pictures to me. I can include some in Bantha

Tracks, like I will some of the Landmark photographs, too!


Here’s their note and the link:




Dear Star Wars Fan:


We wanted to let you know about Lucasfilm’s new Star Wars camp

toolkit, a free resource to help bring the universe of Star Wars to

life in your local camp or even the backyard! Housed at

www.StarWars.com/camptoolkit the new kit is a downloadable activity

book that has a wide variety of games, arts, crafts and trivia to help

add to your child’s summer.


We would love help getting the word out about this great resource. We

made it free so that we could get Star Wars in the hands of as many

kids as possible this year. Let us know if you can help by forwarding

on, posting on blogs, twitter, Facebook pages or including in

newsletters, email blasts, etc.


We really appreciate your support and look forward to seeing the Force

in action this summer!

Mary Franklin.



On a side note, most of you know I am new to the role of Public Relations Officer and have huge shoes to fill with all Ingrid has done as PRO in the past. That being said, I would like to thank all of you for your patience while I am getting used to how this is all done. This newsletter is defiantly a team effort, and I appreciate the support that I have been shown by the officers, staff, and members of FISD.

Also if anyone sees or hears anything that you think might be of interest to this community I want to hear from you! Send me a PM. You are the boots on the ground, the tip of the spear. My door is open to you, and, we couldn’t do this without you.

Buckets off, and thank you.


With Unquestioned Loyalty,


Sam Kisselburg

TK-85254 "Kessel Run"

Public Relations Officer




Honoring One of Our Own


Star Garrison and the Central Texas Squad had the honor of being requested to stand guard as our friend and honorary 501st Legion member Richard Leparmentier was laid to rest in Austin, TX. The service was filled with many anecdotes about a wonderful man's life, and there was more than one reference to Admiral Motti's experience with Lord Vader. At the end of the service, Garrison XO, William Tatsch, presented the family with an Imperial flag.


At the Casket:

Brian Jepson - TK-42170

Jason Sager - TK-4736


Posted at Doors:

Chris Berban - TK-6427

Greg Burrow - ID-3459

Joe Cygan - SL-882

Kameron Earles - TB-7045

Josh Powers - BH-15173

William Tatsch - ISB-9076

Philip Tso - BH-7974

Brett Turner - CT-5452

Bernie Wrightson - ID-78744

Liz Wrightson - ID-3144






Star Garrison standing guard:





One with the family, at the end of the service:





Great Job Star Garrison you do us proud. Buckets off!


With Unquestioned Loyalty,


Sam Kisselburg

TK-85254 "Kessel Run"

Public Relations Officer



This month I congratulate the members of the German Garrison who participated in FedCon at the Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf May 9th thru 12th.

Great job Troopers!






With Unquestioned Loyalty,


Sam Kisselburg

TK-85254 "Kessel Run"

Public Relations Officer






Honor, in and out of uniform.


When you're in armor, standing tall and shining bright, you make an impression - on kids, on parents, on event sponsors, on spectators. We all want to make a great impression and leave our fellow Star Wars fans feeling great and wanting more. We strive to create a positive, fun experience, in part for the fans, and in part for ourselves. Looking good, feeling good, doing good. That's why we choose the iconic white, and why we work so hard to appear our best. We are proud to be 501st Legion members and we are happy for people to recognize us.


The more we learn about accuracy and costuming in our FISD community, the stronger our opinions and desire for more accuracy. We learn to discriminate the good from the bad, and we often aren't afraid to share that new knowledge with others. It's easy to get caught up in the magic of looking fabulous.


We make impressions even when we are out of our armor. If someone curses at you out the window, and they're wearing a brand or logo, you not only begin to hate that person, you hate that brand they're associated with as well. If you're wearing your 501st or FISD jacket, and you offend someone (on purpose or inadvertently), you make a negative impression on them not only for yourself, but for the brand you are wearing. The stickers on your car, the tags in your social media outlets, and your t-shirts and patches all create associations with your behavior. If you get swept away in a crusade of looking fabulous, putting down your fellow TKs or even other fans in ... those other costumes... you make FISD and the 501st seem elitist and unfriendly. This is definitely not a perception we want or need.


You represent the 501st Legion and your detachments and garrisons, so any behavior you have while out of costume, in real life or your digital life, also affects the reputation of these organizations. So please remember to make a good impression. If you want to behave badly in person or online, be sure you won't be associated with the 501st. If you want to behave wonderfully, knight in shining white armor and all that, then by all means, flaunt your affiliation! :D


With Unquestioned Loyalty,


Ingrid Moon

TK-6818 "LadyInWhite"

Executive Officer





Don't Forget We're on Facebook and Twitter!


Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor

Now with "tip of the week" and other ongoing discussions. If you're on FB, stop by and say hi, ask questions, and share stories!


Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st

To find out what the Emperor's dancers are up to at any given moment, follow FISD on Twitter!


With Unquestioned Loyalty,


Sam Kisselburg

TK-85254 "Kessel Run"

Public Relations Officer


On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff.


End Transmission.



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