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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Troop 22: Small But Mighty 10th Anniversary Childhood Cancer Gold Walk in Saskatoon 14Sep24 I passed on three previous troops as they were all very short and a long drive to get to. I was also going to pass on this one for the same reason then we learned that the only other major troop in the province that was to be held the last weekend of the month was cancelled by the organizer. I was already missing everyone so decided I would make the troop regardless of it being just two hours long. It might now be the last troop of the year for me as our local GEC wants to step back from the roll and I don't know who will be able to fill his boots to pull much else off before the end of the year. I'm not entirely happy about this news at all. The floor covering in this gym was like a minefield. Every step we had to make sure we weren't hooking ourselves under parts of it and doing a face plant. Thankfully no injuries. We were at this event to be another activity for the kids and families to do. We did a photo booth and a small droid hunt. Most of the activities were contained in a school gym. I don't really need to say it was fun but I will say anyway that it was fun! They all are! All photos by Tim Edwin Paul. I think this one is telling my counterpart lies. He wants to be let go: After navigating the floor for two hours the steps up to the trailer deck were easy: The crew that came out for it. I wasn't going to let the prisoner get away again: So maybe another troop at the end of October if I can fit it in my busy October month otherwise.... hard to say when the chance will come again. Bart
    3 points
  2. 9. 15.09.2024 - Famielentag bei Airbus (Familyday Airbus Factory) - 21684 Stade
    2 points
  3. Belt position is a dressing issue. Mounting some Velcro to help me keeping it positioned. I started curving the belt with heat but the ends like you say need much more. The 2mm plastic is great durability vice but sucks as it’s so rigid and stiff when you want it to bend or curve. Big thanks for the feedback and giving my build a look 🙂
    1 point
  4. @Deployment Officer Team should be able to answer that for you
    1 point
  5. [79] 2024-09-18 Hahn Elementary School Walkathon Rohnert Park
    1 point
  6. ** not the best pictures just working out how to post pictures and keep you all updated what’s happening.
    1 point
  7. Awesome Alex. congratulations!
    1 point
  8. Here are all the hard parts: Helmet: Upper Armor (front/back/shoulder straps) Abdomen Backplate (I hope it's acceptable to ignore the fastener, its dissappearing under the upper part and is giving a better grip for a better fitting) Shoulders Bizeps Forearms Thight(s) (second following for obvious reasons) Shins Blaster
    1 point
  9. Thanks gmrhodes13 for the first reviews! first point...not even the best sanding and finishing prevents you from tipping over a finshed prop, shoved it away for later all the time as its nearly invicible...but you are right, lets get this fixed! Also thanks for the second pic, helped me a lot! Think this is the way! EDIT: now I'm happy with it!
    1 point
  10. Lots of different ways to do it, check out some of the threads in this area https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/search/?q=lens&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=4
    1 point
  11. I used black Sugru putty to install motherboard pins into the helmet. Then I drilled holes in my lenses and added in the screws. Just a warning it wasn't easy but I'm really happy with the results \
    1 point
  12. Troop 21: Swift Current Market Square July 20, 2024 / raised funds for "The Center" which is a youth centre. Currently this is the only local troop for me where I can enjoy a short 5 minute drive verses hours of driving. I sort of inherited this troop from TK55810 who moved out of the city this spring (leaving me as the only local 501st or another other club member here). She had been involved in this troop for long before I was even seriously thinking about becoming a 501st member. It was a bit of a run around as the city normally organized this market and I had made all the arrangements accordingly for a change area at city hall and tents but they ended up turning the whole event over to a third party so I had to start again with an organizing group that was green when it came to the normal troop that had been done here for years. Thankfully it came together pretty much last minute and was a success again. We actually had open access to the city council chambers, no less, for 7 of us to change and come and go as required. This space was directly across the street from the market which made for easy access and we needed it as the air temp quickly climbed to over 30C for most of the 4.5 hours we were trooping. Regular breaks were a must. All photos from my sister-in-law Theresa Busse with one exception as noted on photo 2. Stepping out from city hall the heat immediately was evident, but some of us had done this one before and had a good idea of how we would deal with the day. Not all of the characters managed the entire day. The mandos needed extended breaks. The TKs did it all with just a couple hydration and snack breaks as did everyone else. Photo below by TK55810. The charity brought along a big fan and we had two tents to set up a base camp and do some photos for people. The fan was a lifesaver. I don't think we could have done the day without it. It enabled us to make little tours in the sun and have somewhere to come back to every few minutes. We just started and were waiting for the opening bell. They kick of the market each Saturday in summer with the partner of the week ringing a bell. In this case the partner was "The Center" with us as the support cast. We were led to believe this was a bigger deal than what it was. It was over in 5 seconds with no real mention of the purpose of the SW characters being there. So the photos started off a bit slow until we were able to spread the word that we were there supporting the youth centre. This is something to work on for next year now that the new organizers have a better idea of what we were about. That said we still managed to supplement the donation the city gave to them so we were happy about that as was the charity. Of course there is always time for clowning around. Not sure if this was my style or colour.... Well it was hot. We might have been considered dogs, but I don't think so. Usually we get "robots" comments. TK55810 came back to town for this troop. This guy had to show us his Star Wars tats. Thankfully just on his arm. Always reminds me of my working days when a customer showed me his SW tat on the calf of his leg with his leg up on my desk to do it... I spotted this boss man walking around so I went after him for a photo. While it is true people like to get their photos with us it seems extra special to them when we ask them for their photo. He was beaming as were his parents. The last march of the day is across the street and down the block to a toy store. This has been a tradition since the beginning and I'm sure traffic wonders what is going on. The toy store is always super cooled with A/C and they give us a cold drink. This was the hardest half block walk of the day. The heat on this stretch of the block was even warmer than where we were set up and that walk felt like it went on forever. We're already coming into our end of season time here. The next troops are back to a long drive. I'm hoping to get to at least one of them in August at a race track. There is also a multi-day Star Wars day at the children's hospital but with the timing I'm not sure if I can do both. The hospital would be a first and it also makes me nervous but we'll see. Bart
    1 point
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