The DN TD is a pretty hefty lump of resin so I am going to use the Jessie M replacement printed on my nice new Bambu P1S.
I did try print the outer initially but the white eSun PETG doesn't want to play nice with the new printer and so the support failed.
However the black eSun PETG prints wonderfully, so I made a start on the tube. I initially went for strength as this needs to troop and so will get knocked. 4 perimeters, 15% cubic, and I completely forgot to check the estimated weight. 260g Whilst I am sure this would be less when finished compared to the resin cast it was a bit on the heavy side.
So I reprinted it at 2 perimeters, 5% "cubic support" which came out at 87g, 66% saved! Cubic support is a clever pattern that uses no infill initially and then slowly builds to the stated percentage. This left the part almost hollow. It seems up to the job, I should have added an extra bottom layer or two as the default was 3 which flexed a lot. Though when glued you get 1.2mm which is probably fine. Worst case it breaks and I can make a new one somewhere in the middle.
My printer wasn't tall enough to do the 1 shot part, so I needed to glue the 2 sections together. The model has a small hole in each end, which is perfect for a short section of 1.75mm filament.
Once a short section was glued into 1 side I then used some thick CA to join them forever. As mentioned there was some flex to the mating faces so I used a reasonable amount of thick CA and spun it to spread it over as much surface as possible. This should give a nice solid join, though I want to try source some water thin to try wick in the edges just in case.
The end result is a perfectly aligned tube, I even aligned the seam.
I'll get some new white soon and print the holder. Then I need to source a close white paint match.