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  1. Yesterday
  2. Troop # 178 Riley's Children's Hospital Indianapolis 10-24-24
  3. Hello and welcome to Whitearmor!
  4. [27] 31.10.2024 - Scary for the palliative care unit at the university hospital / Göttingen Trick or Treat? After a long time, we had an official 501st. troop in Göttingen again. We were invited by Gruselhaus Weende to collect donations for the hospital's palliative care unit. You can't see it in the pictures, but later it was so dark that I couldn't see anything under the helmet. This is what happens when you take too many sweets... Happy Halloween!
  5. [26] 27.10.2024 - Charity troop at the flea market / Wendeburg In Wendeburg we collected donations for a children's hospice at a flea market. This time it was 2400€ We tried out a few things while looking for new clothes. Does that suit me? We also found this tractor.
  6. I wanted to wait until the 25th troop. Just like with the Supporter Batch
  7. Many thanks. Unfortunately, they are sold out ATM. What's the size of these "poppers"?
  8. Hmm I see what you mean. It might have been that they were a little misaligned when putting this on for the first time.. But i'll look out for it next time if I need to adjust them any more.
  9. Hi Adam welcome to the FISD If you find yourself needing new parts/new suit RWA do something he calls “the big boy” armour which caters for various flavours of big and taller that wouldn’t fit into a more traditional sized suit.
  10. No, a popper is specific kind of snap, but it’s what we call them in the UK. this is what I mean: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334214700997?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=IZwBW1pKQEO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=O36WsnEmT1G&var=543220012274&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. There are a few more of the belt in that gallery. The belt was also rivet on as best as I can see there. Thats not overly practical for a trooping build. Some use a Chicago screw, but what I did was rivet on a snap to give the screen accurate look from the outside side but the ability to remove the holster as needed for storage and transportation.
  12. Thank you very much! "Poppers" mean pop rivets, doesn't it?
  13. Many thanks! But I really want to make it as close as possible as in 1977
  14. On the screen used suits the boxes are rivets to attach the main plastic to the fabric belt and also to attach the drop boxes to the elastics. To attach the belt to the armour was “poppers” by a company called Newey but these days most of use a snap type faster there instead. This gallery image is from the RS owned suit from A New Hope.
  15. Thank you. But did they just in 1977?
  16. See first image above. All snaps should used be the Line 24 hammered together snaps. There are no sew-on snaps needed on your armor. Don't make more work for yourself!
  17. If you're referring to the snaps behind the belt I used line 24 snaps to attach the snaps to the ab armor. To attach the plastic belt to the cloth I glued in some chicago screws in case I need to replace it but other troopers use rivets. The movies used rivets but it's a more permanent solution. (there are two more chicago screws under the white elastic)
  18. I just punched a hole through the shoulder elastic with regular line 24 snaps. That should be pretty standard
  19. I know that feeling! And guess what, that feeling hasn't left me after 15 troops. It's so cool to be the iconic stormtrooper. Kids and families love it too. I also have a Walt kit. If you have any fitting questions let us know! Hope to see your around and welcome
  20. Looking back I mentioned that you may want to move your belt over so that it's centered on the raised edge of your lower ab armor. Looking at some other builds many troopers out there have it centered on your ab plate buttons as you have here. You might be ok not adjustting your belt after all. However it does still appear to be off to your right (picture's left) by looking at the dropbox locations. If anyone has any alignment opinions I'm curious to know your thoughts
  21. Hello there, I slowly start building my old armor kit I want to make it as screen accurate as possible . My question is: I got split rivets for the abdomen and crotch, and cap rivets for the ammo belt on the knee Which kind of rivets (screen accurate) go on the belt? Pop, split, or cap rivets? Thanks!
  22. Thank you, that helps a lot I just realized I deleted an important questions in the quote. I also need the diameter of the sew on snap on the shoulder elastic
  23. Can someone please tell me the diameter of these? And also , what is the size for the pop rivets for the helmet? Thanks!
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